
Clarification of Product Writing Standards and Prohibition of Birthday Celebrations at RESTO with MUI Halal Decree

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  • Clarification of Product Writing Standards and Prohibition of Birthday Celebrations at RESTO with MUI Halal Decree

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

All Praise to Allah Swt., who always gives His Grace and Protection in every activity we do, and may all goodness remain with us.

Related to the viral issue of the prohibition of writing religious holidays other than Islam and the ban of birthday celebrations in several restaurants both in the process of halal certification and those have been halal-certified, the LPPOM MUI needs to explain this matter. Here are some of our explanation points:

1. In the halal certification process, LPPOM MUI uses the Halal Assurance System (SJH) to support the production consistency of halal product.

2. Among the criteria for applying SJH are product and facility criteria.

3. Product criteria contain product naming rules, product form, and product sensory so as not to lead to something haram. This refers to the MUI fatwa No. 4 of 2003. Product naming covers the name of the menu, including the writing of decoration on the product, including cookies/cakes displayed at the outlet. However, if there is a customer request that is customized not to display at the outlet, immediately taken home, then this is not included in those criteria.

4. Facility criteria give a guide to business players to ensure facilities used to produce halal products are free from unclean or haram things. Related to the opportunity for contamination in restaurant facilities, LPPOM MUI requires that products that are not from halal-certified restaurants must be clear of their halal status if consumed in the restaurant.

5. Birthday celebrations are allowed in restaurants that are in the process of halal certification or have been halal-certified as long as the restaurant can continue to apply point 4.

We, therefore, convey. For your attention and cooperation, we extend our thanks.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.


Dr. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Si


*The complete letter can be download here.

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