
Back to School, Let's Check Your Meal Preparations

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The pandemic is starting to subside, it's time for the students to return to school. Teachers also need to adjust the return of students to school, both from teaching methods to children's food intake through halal and thayyib canteens.

Almost two years of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic hit. The students were forced to study online from home. Now, conditions are getting better, the pandemic is also considered to tend to subside. Children can attend school face-to-face again.

Obviously, many things need to be prepared again. Starting from teaching methods to supporting facilities for children to learn in schools. Among these things, the eating and drinking needs of teachers, children, and other educators in schools need to be of special concern.

Given the pandemic conditions that are not completely over, the intake of eating and drinking is something that needs to be a concern for the school. Providing halal and safe food and drinks (halalan thayyiban) is an effort to maintain the health of students and educators, because food that is guaranteed halalan thayyiban is definitely safe for consumption. Not only that, the consumption of halal food and beverages is one of the capitals in the process of establishing a superior and good character of the nation's children.

Advisor to the Communication Department of LPPOM MUI, Lia Amalia, S.T., S.Si., M.T., said the school needs to consider the existence of halal and thayyib canteens in the school, considering that not all children bring provisions from home. According to him, a good school cafeteria for students is the one that can prepare halal and thayyib meals for students and students.

"So what is meant by that kosher and thayyib canteen? What is meant by halal canteen is a canteen that prepares food that is clearly halal, while the thayyib canteen is a canteen that prepares safe and healthy food," explained Lia.

Meanwhile, the wife of Ridwal Kamil, the Governor of West Java Province, Atalia Praratya, emphasized that all devices in schools must understand the importance of choosing halal and thayyib food and drinks, as well as healthy and nutritious.

"What we consume will affect the physical, the faith, and the rukhiyah. If we include foods that are not kosher, of course the effect will also be bad. In addition, data shows that 1 in 10 people have experienced food poisoning. There are about 420 thousand people with food poisoning and more than 100 thousand are toddlers," he explained.

To create a school to provide halal and thayyib food and drinks certainly requires cooperation from various parties. According to Atalia, it is the school that has an obligation to ensure that food entering the school environment is guaranteed halalness and safety. Maybe it can be started by educating the traders or canteen administrators, then monitoring is carried out.

Parents, continued Atalia, play the most important role in children's decisions in choosing what foods and drinks they should choose. So it is important for parents to get education related to this matter, to be passed on to their children.

"The habits implemented at home will be carried by children wherever they are. Parents become the most important educators for children, which ones are good which are not, which are lawful which are not. It should all be taught from home. Now the school only provides a system so that food that does not contain good and harmful nutrients does not enter the school environment," said Atalia. (YN)

VIDEO: Back to School, Let's Check Your Meal Preparations

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