
Always Prioritize Halal Consumption While Traveling

By: Fadilla (Halal Auditor LPPOM MUI)

LPPOM MUI is organizing halal certification facilitation, which is summarized in the Syawal Festival program. This year, LPPOM MUI is targeting business actors in Super Priority Destinations (DSP) as an effort by LPPOM MUI to support the government in improving the local economy.

Tourism has become a necessity for some people to pamper their bodies and minds so that they can be refreshed in living their days. Some interesting things that can be done while travelling are enjoying the local culture and tasting regional specialities in the places visited. Unfortunately, in areas with a non-Muslim majority, local culture is often not in accordance with Muslim beliefs, starting from worship rituals to certain objects or sacred places. Another thing that we must also pay attention to is the halal status of the food we consume during tourism.

In 2024, the world’s Muslim population is estimated to reach 2 billion people (1) and more than 10% of them are in Indonesia, so the potential for halal tourism in Indonesia is actually very large. This is one of the reasons why the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) held the 1445 Hijriah Syawal Festival with the theme “Accelerating the Local Community Economy through Halal Tourism”.

This program targets facilitating halal certification for a number of business actors in Indonesia, especially in Super Priority Destinations (DSP), namely Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Borobudur in Central Java, Mandalika in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Labuan Bajo in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), and Likupang in North Sulawesi. This is also a campaign for the Mandatory Halal October (WHO) 2024, which was echoed by the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) of the Ministry of Religion regarding the obligation for halal certification in Indonesia, which will fall in October 2024 for the food and beverage product category.

The peak of this activity will be held in Labuan Bajo, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia). As is well known, Labuan Bajo is located in a tropical area with a very beautiful natural landscape and is often used as a tourist destination, both by local and foreign tourists. This makes halal tourism in Labuan Bajo interesting to discuss.

The food offered in the marine tourism area in Labuan Bajo is mostly processed fish or other seafood. In terms of Islamic law, fish and other aquatic animals are halal. However, the subsequent processing method will determine whether the final product is halal, doubtful, or haram. The addition of ingredients whose halal status is unclear, such as margarine, butter, cheese and spices, makes the product doubtful and doubtful for consumption. Meanwhile, the use of haram ingredients such as cooking wine/angciu/tape essence will make the final product not halal. It is also necessary to be wary of the use of brushes to apply spices when grilling because it is suspected that some brushes come from pig bristles.

Another typical food in the East Nusa Tenggara region is a type of thin smoked meat called se’i. As with other processed animal meat, the critical point of this product is the type of animal and how it is slaughtered. Animals that are halal for consumption but slaughtered in a way that is not in accordance with sharia, then they are haram to eat. In addition, sometimes, modern processed se’i uses several critical spices such as MSG.

The requirements that business actors must meet in certifying their products are summarized in the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH). This standard is created by the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH), Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of the Republic of Indonesia. This integrated system is designed, implemented and maintained to regulate materials, production processes, products, human resources, and procedures in order to preserve the continuity of the halal process in accordance with the requirements of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) and BPJPH. In the requirements of the BPJPH Halal Product Assurance System of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, all food menus sold at outlets—whether made by themselves, purchased, or consigned by other parties—must be halal. Therefore, consigned menus such as cakes, crackers and packaged drinks must be guaranteed to be halal. In addition, halal-certified restaurants in tourist areas certainly cannot sell alcoholic beverages. This often worries catering business owners in tourist areas because many foreign tourists are looking for alcoholic drinks. In the October 2024 Halal Mandatory, such restaurants must clearly declare that their restaurants are not halal. Likewise, restaurants that serve halal products must have a halal certificate. This kind of clarity will make it easier for Muslims to choose and bring peace of mind.

Still referring to the BPJPH SJPH standard requirements above, production facilities, including serving plates, must be ensured to be clean and not contaminated with filth. This is an extra task for managing food outlets in food courts, including ensuring that serving plates are not contaminated. This can be done by using disposable cutlery or a separate dirty plate handling system from those handling pork.

At the 1445 Hijriah Syawal Festival, LPPOM MUI assisted in the form of halal certification services to selected business actors so that business actors can consistently produce halal products and menus by implementing SJPH properly. This effort is expected to drive the local economy along with the increasing interest in halal tourism.

Lastly, but no less important, a good understanding of halal-haram needs to be present in the midst of the onslaught of various local and export products. This will encourage business actors to always meet the needs of Muslim customers, both domestic and international, so as to be able to improve the sustainable economy of local communities. (***)


(1) accessed on April 3, 2024 (2) LPPOM MUI, 2021, Restaurant and Catering Certification Requirements (HAS 23000-3), Bogor, LPPOM MUI