The formation of LPPOM MUI was based on a mandate from the Indonesia government. So that the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) played an active role in alleviating cases of lard in Indonesia in 1988. LPPOM MUI was established on January 6, 1989 to carry out halal inspection and certification.
To strengthen the position of LPPOM MUI in carrying out the function of halal certification, in 1996 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Health and MUI.
The memorandum of agreement was then followed by the issuance of Decrees of the Minister of Religion (KMA) 518 of 2001 and KMA 519 of 2001, which strengthened MUI as a halal certification body and carried out inspections/audits, issued fatwas, and issued halal certificates.
In the process and implementation of halal certification, LPPOM MUI collaborates with the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (Badan POM), Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and a number of higher education institutions in Indonesia, including IPB University, Muhammadiyah University Dr. Hamka, Djuanda University, State Islamic University, Wahid Hasyim University Semarang, and the Indonesian Muslim University Makassar.
Meanwhile, cooperation with institutions has been established with the National Standardization Agency (BSN), the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) the Middle East Committee, GS1 Indonesia, and Research in Motion (Blackberry). Especially with the BPOM, the MUI halal certificate is a requirement in the inclusion of a halal label on the packaging for products circulating in Indonesia.
Now, LPPOM MUI has become the First and Most Trusted Halal Inspection Body in Indonesia and is increasingly showing its existence as a credible halal inspection body, both at national and international levels. In 2017 and 2018 LPPOM MUI obtained the SNI ISO / IEC 17025 : 2008 Accreditation Certificate for Halal Laboratories and SNI ISO / IEC 17065 : 2012 and UAE 2055:2 from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). This standard is not only recognized in Indonesia, but also recognized by the United Arab Emirates Accreditation Board or ESMA.
The halal certification system and assurance system designed and implemented by LPPOM MUI have also been recognized and even adopted by foreign halal certification bodies, which now reach 45 institutions from 26 countries. (***)
As a pioneer of halal certification in Indonesia
LPPOM MUI intends to maintain the positions as a leading halal inspection body and becomes a major partner of the national and international halal industry.
Developing Halal Certification Standards that become the reference of the national and international halal community.
LPPOM MUI is committed to impartiality in halal certification activities.
LPPOM MUI identifies, analyzes and documents possible conflicts of interest arising from the provision of certification including any conflicts arising from its working relationship. If the relationship presents an unacceptable threat to impartiality then certification will not be awarded.
Policies and procedures operated by LPPOM MUI and their administration are not discriminatory.
LPPOM MUI provides access to the certification process that can be owned by all clients using the registered username and password in the online registration application (CEROL-SS23000).
Access to the certification process is not based on client size or membership of associations or groups, is not based on the number of certifications issued, and is not influenced by financial or other conditions.