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  • Halal Prospects Encourage Economic Acceleration in Bangka Belitung

Halal can be a competitive advantage and an entrance or passport for Indonesian products to the global market. This was stated by Dr. Ir. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Si., The Director of LPPOM MUI and The Head of Economic Division of MUI through the webminar with the theme The Notables Talk about Halal Prospect of Bangka Belitung (in Encouraging Economic Acceleration of Bangka Belitung) on June 16, 2020.

The speakers were Dr. Ir. Lukmanul Hakin, M.Si (The Director of LPPOM MUI and The Head of Economic Division of MUI), Drs. H. Abdul Fatah, M.Si. (Deputy Governor of Bangka Belitung Islands Province), Dr. Zayadi, M.Ag (The Chairman of MUI of Bangka Belitung Islands Province), Tatan Heroika S. (The Head of Indonesian Bank Representative Office of Belitung Islands Province), dan Drs. H. Abdul Aziz, MH (Halal Product Assurance Agency Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bangka Belitung Islands Province/BPJPH Kemenag)

“Talking about halal, in the context of halal certification, Indonesia has indeed become a leader. However, on the other side, Indonesian halal product in the global market is still weak until this time. That is an anomaly,” said Lukmanul Hakim,

This is admitted by Abdul Fatah. He sees that halal is a chance that must be managed to give the people benefits. Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Kep. Babel) is doing some efforts to encourage UMKM products so it has high competitiveness. One of those is halal certification.

“The first thing we have is human resources (SDM). Around 47% residents of Bangka Belitung Islands are women. This is what we are trying to highlight, how to encourages mothers to have productivity so that they can help build the economic growth in Bangka Belitung Islands,” said Abdul Fatah.

The second things that can also be economic driver in the halal sector, he continued, is around 89,4% people of Bangka Belitung Islands are Moslem. Area characteristics of Bangka Belitung Islands is dominated by the sea, so it produces marine biota products, can be an advantage and characteristic.

Although, it cannot be denied, the convensional marketing cannot no longer be a support, particularly during this COVID-19. Tatan Heroika stated that the businessmen must be able to use technology, especially to market their products.

“In this era the consumers demand the cheap products, easy delivery, safe, and effective payment. Notably in this COVID-19 restrictions. Hence, we must be independent, how to meet halal industrial demand,” said Tatan.

According to Zayadi, this is a huge matter and our responsibility. “Halal related issues is MUI function, that is khadimul ummah. Means that we must protect people from haraam products,” said he.

Related to this, Abdul Aziz appreciate MUI and LPPOM MUI. “Halal product is Islamic mandatory. Therefore, LPPOM MUI Bangka Belitung is a great duty institution amid the people to ensure the product is halal. We do appreciate it,” stated he. (YN)

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