
Fasting, between Worship and Efforts to Maintain Fitness

Puasa, antara Ibadah dan Ikhtiar Menjaga Kebugaran

We are currently fasting during Ramadan. Let’s fast. In addition to being intended as worship, fasting benefits physical fitness.

In addition to hoping for Allah SWT’s pleasure, fasting has many benefits for the body, physical, and mental health.

Fasting has many advantages. Starting from becoming people loved by Allah SWT and getting savings in rewards. In addition, fasting can strengthen the soul, restrain lust, and prevent doing bad things. Fasting is a mandatory practice that can maintain the stability of faith.

Benefits of Sunnah Fasting for Physical Health

Fasting has been proven to have many health benefits. Fasting can make the body healthier and fitter. When fasting, the body’s organs rest from processing the food that enters to detoxify all toxins and diseases.

Some of the benefits of sunnah fasting are as follows:

  1. Reduces Body Fat Levels Excessive fat can cause various problems such as high cholesterol and heart problems. By fasting sunnah, fat levels in the body can decrease. This is because the body uses fat as an energy source when fasting.
  2. It prevents blood sugar spikes. In addition to using fat as an energy source, the body can break down glucose to get energy when fasting. This will reduce insulin production in the body. The effect is that the body will experience a decrease in blood sugar. If done routinely, sunnah fasting can prevent blood sugar spikes.
  3. Toxins are removed from the body without realizing it; our bodies store toxins from leftover food and drinks consumed daily. Not eating or drinking for + 12 hours, toxins can be removed effectively. It can be through sweat when urinating or defecating. When the toxins are out, the body will feel healthier and fitter.
  4. Rests the Digestive Organs When we fast, the digestive organs also rest. The digestive organs need rest because when food and drink enter, the digestive organs must work optimally to process the food that enters our bodies. Fasting will rest the digestive organs so that when they work again, they can work optimally. A healthy digestive system will prevent digestive diseases such as stomach problems, constipation, diarrhea, and many more.
  5. Lose Weight This benefit of fasting is the most sought-after by some people. In addition to getting rewards, fasting also often decreases weight. Pay attention to the food consumed when breaking the fast is required. Choose nutritious foods the body needs, eat balanced, and avoid sweet and fatty foods. Then, your weight will usually decrease.

Benefits from the Psychological Side

Fasting has psychological benefits not only for health. Someone who routinely performs sunnah fasting usually has a calmer and more peaceful life. Fasting can also train emotional intelligence so that we can control ourselves so that we are not easily depressed or stressed.

All these benefits are because during fasting, a Muslim is required to restrain the desire to do bad things. Prioritize doing positive things and goodness. Fasting trains a person’s patience in facing trials.

In his review on, Doctor Kevin Andrian stated that fasting can help reduce stress hormone levels or cortisol and stimulate endorphins, which are good for relieving anxiety. This is related to the effects of fasting, which can improve the body’s metabolism.

Not only that, fasting will also make someone feel closer to the Creator. This can make feelings and inner mood calmer and make the mind clearer. (***)

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