
UNIDA Proactively Asks About Halal, East Java LPPOM Provides Halal Education

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  • UNIDA Proactively Asks About Halal, East Java LPPOM Provides Halal Education
UNIDA Proaktif Tanya Halal, LPPOM Jatim Beri Edukasi

LPPOM is always open to all levels of society who want to discuss halal. This time, LPPOM East Java Province received a visit from Unida Gontor students to answer their concerns regarding the issue of halal product naming, which has been popular for some time now.

LPPOM is always open to all levels of society who want to discuss halal. This time, LPPOM East Java Province received a visit from Unida Gontor students to answer their concerns regarding the issue of halal product naming, which has been popular for some time now.

Nineteen students from Darussalam University (UNIDA) Gontor expressed their curiosity about the issue of halal-certified beverage products that use prohibited names. This was done in the context of a field enrichment study and halal education visit to LPPOM East Java Province on November 5, 2024, at the MUI Building, East Java Province.

The Director of LPPOM East Java Province, Dewi Melani Hariadi, said that LPPOM is always open and responds positively to the community, which is increasingly proactive in responding to the issue of product halalness. This is a form of LPPOM’s commitment to carrying out the mandate of halal education.

“LPPOM’s most difficult mandate is the mandate of education. However, the emergence of halal issues actually indicates that public literacy regarding naming or the use of uncommon terms is increasingly widespread. This means that all stakeholders need to pay more attention to the halal sector, one of which is related to product naming,” said Dewi.

To encourage the realization of quality halal products, LPPOM has had an online halal certification system, also called CEROL-SS23000, since 2012. One of its advantages is that this system can be the first filter in product naming.

“CEROL-SS23000, which is always updated, automatically rejects input of prohibited product names, such as beer, wine, rum, and the like,” said LPPOM East Java Province Customer Service, Fatkhan.

In addition, LPPOM halal auditors will conduct field visits to directly review the conformity of documents submitted via CEROL-SS23000 compared to the actual conditions that exist or occur at the production location. From the examination, it will be known to what extent the business actor can meet the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH) criteria, which includes raw materials, production facilities, distribution processes, and halal management teams until the product reaches the hands of consumers.

After the business actor can fully meet the SJPH criteria, the halal auditor will make an audit report, which will be the basis for the MUI Fatwa Commission’s determination of the product fatwa. Products considered halal will receive an MUI Halal Determination certificate, which is the basis for BPJPH’s issuance of a halal certificate.

Although there are a series of processes that business actors must complete to fulfill halal certification, LPPOM always strives to provide easy, fast, and accurate services to business actors from various sectors. One of the conveniences obtained through LPH LPPOM is its distribution in 34 provinces throughout Indonesia, one of which is in the East Java province. With this, the halal certification process becomes more straightforward and has lower transportation costs.

LPPOM also opens a consultation room through the Customer Care service at Call Center 14056 or WhatsApp 0811-1148-696. All information related to LPPOM services can be accessed on the website or all LPPOM social media channels. Let’s together realize quality halal products through LPH LPPOM.

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