Press Release
MUI: Keputusan Fatwa Cochineal Diambil dari Pendapat Banyak Ahli
29 September 2023
Penjelasan perihal Fatwa MUI no. 33 tahun 2011 tentang Hukum...
The Clarification of Fake News of MCD, KFC, Domino’s, and Pizza Hut
13 Agustus 2021
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. All Praises to Allah who always gives...
Simpang Siur Kehalalan Produk Mengandung Karmin, Ini Klarifikasi LPPOM MUI
29 September 2023
Penjelasan LPPOM perihal penggunaan Pewarna alami karmin (carmine) Pewarna karmin...
Clarification on LPPOM MUI Representative Office in Japan
13 Mei 2022
News circulated that the Institute for the Study of Food,...
Klarifikasi Hoax Mie Arirang dan Kosmetik Mirabella
8 Oktober 2020
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Segala Puji bagi Allah SWT yang selalu...
MUI: Cochineal Fatwa Decision Taken from the Opinions of Many Experts
29 September 2023
The mass media is busy discussing the natural carmine dye...
Tanggapan LPPOM MUI terkait Produk Kinder Joy
20 April 2022
Baru baru ini beredar isu tentang produk Kinder Joy yang...
The Fake News Clarification of Arirang Noodle and Mirabella Cosmetics
8 Oktober 2020
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. All Praises to Allah who always gives...
LPPOM MUI Explains Meatball Products from Malaysia in Riau Province
31 Maret 2023
Recently, a video was circulated on the tvOneNews Youtube channel entitled "Officers...
Klarifikasi Hoax MCD, KFC, Domino’s, dan Pizza Hut
13 Agustus 2021
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Segala Puji bagi Allah SWT yang selalu...
MUI: Keputusan Fatwa Cochineal Diambil dari Pendapat Banyak Ahli
29 September 2023
Penjelasan perihal Fatwa MUI no. 33 tahun 2011 tentang Hukum...
The Clarification of Fake News of MCD, KFC, Domino’s, and Pizza Hut
13 Agustus 2021
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. All Praises to Allah who always gives...
Simpang Siur Kehalalan Produk Mengandung Karmin, Ini Klarifikasi LPPOM MUI
29 September 2023
Penjelasan LPPOM perihal penggunaan Pewarna alami karmin (carmine) Pewarna karmin...
Clarification on LPPOM MUI Representative Office in Japan
13 Mei 2022
News circulated that the Institute for the Study of Food,...
Klarifikasi Hoax Mie Arirang dan Kosmetik Mirabella
8 Oktober 2020
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Segala Puji bagi Allah SWT yang selalu...
MUI: Cochineal Fatwa Decision Taken from the Opinions of Many Experts
29 September 2023
The mass media is busy discussing the natural carmine dye...