
What is the Law on Using Botox Injections?

Bagaimana Hukum Penggunaan Suntik Botox? 

Botox injections are trending in the beauty industry to reduce signs of aging, remove wrinkles, and improve facial contours. However, what is the law on using botox injections based on the MUI Fatwa?

However, amidst its popularity, questions have arisen regarding the halal status of this procedure for Muslims. What is related to this?

The trend of botox injections is increasingly widespread among the public, especially in big cities. Many people choose this procedure to reduce signs of aging, remove wrinkles, and improve facial contours. Beauty clinics are increasingly offering this service with various variants of botox products.

However, amidst its popularity, questions have arisen regarding the halal status of this procedure for Muslims. What is related to this?

The Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) has issued MUI Fatwa No. 21 of 2020 concerning Botox Injections for Beauty and Care. This fatwa regulates the law on botox injections for beauty and care, with provisions that must be adhered to.

According to LPPOM Senior Halal Auditor Susiyanti, M.Si., the fatwa regarding botox injections was issued after a joint study with experts, including the Indonesian Dermatologist and Venereologist Association (Perdoski) and the Indonesian Cosmetic Study and Methodology Group.

She explained that botulinum toxin or botox is a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This toxin can cause temporary muscle paralysis, so it is often used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

The critical point of botox’s halal status lies in the growth medium of the bacteria. “These bacteria usually grow using pork gelatin. However, recently there have been some from Korea, using media from hyaluronic acid, which mostly come from plants such as banana stems or microbes,” explained Susiyanti.

According to her, the botox produced can be used if the media used does not contain any unclean or haram elements. Therefore, the halal aspect of botox products is very dependent on the source and production process.

In terms of its use, Susiyanti emphasized that botox injections that are permitted in Islam are those that are intended for treatment and health, not solely for staying young. “Botox is usually used to treat wrinkles, tighten facial muscles, improve asymmetrical facial contours, and repair scar tissue. So, it is more towards treatment,” she said.

She also added that the use of botox for anti-aging purposes or changing the shape of the face extremely for the sake of beauty alone could be included in the category of those prohibited in Islam. This is clearly stated in the Legal Provisions of the MUI Fatwa No. 21 of 2020 concerning Botox Injections for Beauty and Treatment, including:

1. Botox injections used for beauty and treatment, such as treating wrinkles by tightening facial muscles, improving asymmetrical facial contours (eyebrows and forehead), improving scar tissue, treating redness of the skin on the face, and oily skin on the face are permissible on the following conditions:

    1. not for purposes that are contrary to sharia.
    2. using halal and pure ingredients;
    3. the actions taken are guaranteed to be safe;
    4. not harmful, either to oneself, others, or the environment; and
    5. carried out by competent and trustworthy experts.

    2. Botox injections that result in harm (dlarar), fraud (tadlis), dependency (idman), or things that are forbidden by law are haram, saddan li al-dzari’ah.

    With the MUI Fatwa No. 21 of 2020, the public now has clearer guidance regarding the law of botox injections in Islam. Botox is permitted because the ingredients used are halal, the procedure is carried out safely and does not conflict with Islamic law values. For Muslims who wish to undergo a botox injection procedure, it is advisable to ensure that the product used has obtained halal certification and is carried out by competent medical personnel. Thus, the beauty treatments align with Islamic teachings and guarantee their safety and health. (YN)