Eid al-Adha is now getting closer. It is essential to relearn the skills in handling sacrificial animals and carrying out slaughtering so that the meat remains halal. One of them is to prepare a Halal Slaughterer (Juleha), who has an important role in determining whether the slaughtered meat is halal or not.
The slaughtering process is one of the stages in the series of animal slaughtering processes. In accordance with the definition, slaughtering is the activity of killing an animal until perfect death is achieved by slaughtering in a way that refers to the principles of animal welfare and Islamic law.
Although halal sacrificial meat is consumed, there is a chance that the sacrificial meat will turn into haram. To avoid mistakes in slaughtering sacrificial meat, LPPOM Senior Auditor, Dr. Ir. Henny Nuraini, M.Si, shared aspects of the standard requirements that must be met in the halal slaughtering process.
First, a halal slaughterer (Juleha) must ensure that the animal to be slaughtered is a halal animal, such as a camel, cow, goat, or sheep. The animal is in a healthy condition as determined in the Animal Health Certificate (SKKH) from the Animal Husbandry Service.
Second, Juleha must be a Muslim, physically and mentally healthy, have reached puberty, and understand the process of slaughtering animals according to Islamic law. This includes expertise and skills in carrying out the process of slaughtering animals.
Third, the tools used for slaughtering must have sharp and hygienic criteria and not tools made from nails, teeth, fangs, and bones.
Fourth, in the process of slaughtering, sacrificial animals must meet halal requirements. The slaughtering process of a Juleha must say the intention to Allah SWT must be able to ensure that there are still signs of life when the animal is to be slaughtered. Three channels must be cut, including the food channel (Esophagus), the respiratory tract (trachea), and the left and right blood vessels, each containing veins and arteries that must be cut perfectly with one cut.
Fifth, the storage and distribution process must be in accordance with sharia to avoid contamination of animals or materials that are haram and also materials containing Najis.
All of these standard requirements refer to the Fatwa of the Indonesian Council of Ulama No. 12 of 2009 concerning Halal Slaughter Certification Standards and have been stated in the SNI Halal Slaughter for both Ruminant livestock and Poultry (SNI 99002: 2016 & SNI 99003: 2018).
“If it is connected to the qurban procession, the slaughtering of sacrificial animals should also be carried out at the Slaughterhouse (RPH) so that the standard requirements for halal slaughter and food safety aspects are maintained. However, because the number of RPHs cannot meet the needs of all sacrificial animal slaughtering, the government allows the process of slaughtering sacrificial animals to be carried out outside the RPH, of course, it must follow the rules that have been set by the government in the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 114 of 2014,” explained Henny.
The regulation explains in detail the needs and provisions that must be met in the implementation of the sacrifice. Article 13 explains that in the process of slaughtering sacrificial animals, there needs to be facilities for receiving animals, resting, slaughtering animals, handling meat, handling offal, and handling waste.
Now, you can also check the list of Animal/Poultry Slaughterhouses (RPH/U) along with the slaughtered products that have been halal certified through the website www.halalmui.org, the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded on the Playstore, and the BPJPH website. (ZUL)
Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 114/Permentan/Pd.410/9/2014 concerning the Slaughter of Sacrificial Animals can be downloaded at the following linkhttps://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Details/161717/permentan-no-114permentanpd41092014-tahun-201