
Using Cosmetics During Hajj, Pay Attention to These Four Things

Gunakan Kosmetik Saat Berhaji, Perhatikan Empat Hal Ini

Using cosmetics while performing the Hajj pilgrimage? What is the law? What should be considered? Check out the following review.

Hajj is a pilgrimage that all Muslims await. The time needed to perform this pilgrimage is also quite long. Not to mention, extreme weather and busy activities require someone who performs the Hajj to have stamina and good health. Therefore, body care using certain cosmetic products is needed to support comfort during the Hajj.

The President Director of LPPOM, Muti Arintawati, said that the Hajj pilgrimage requires physical and spiritual preparation, which needs to be maintained until the implementation is over. The physical aspect or physical health is not only seen from the condition of fitness or health of the inner body but can also be related to problems with the outer part of the body. For example, the current extreme and very hot weather requires someone to take care of their body, such as skin care, so that it does not dry out or become irritated.

“The use of cosmetics for the purpose of caring for the body and maintaining health, and not for beautification, is permissible. It needs to be clarified, what is meant by cosmetics is not only related to products used on our faces (for beautification), but products used daily on our bodies are also cosmetics. Soap, for example, is included in the health care category of cosmetics,” explained Muti Arintawati.

Soap can certainly be used in everyday life, including during the Hajj. However, continued Muti, there are certain times during the Hajj that do not allow pilgrims to use fragrances or perfumes. Of course, this must be obeyed, so pilgrims need to pay attention to the contents of the cosmetic products used. Currently, many Muslim-friendly cosmetic products are specially produced without perfume content for Hajj pilgrims.

Another thing that needs to be considered in choosing cosmetic products for the Hajj is the aspect of raw materials. One of the ingredients that is widely used in cosmetic products comes from animal derivatives. For example, the use of derivatives of fatty acids and collagen, which function to make the skin brighter, softer, and moist. Both substances must be ensured to come from halal animals that are slaughtered according to sharia. Otherwise, the cosmetic product will become impure, which can invalidate worship.

The third point is related to the alcohol content in cosmetic products. Alcohol can be used as an auxiliary ingredient in cosmetic products. However, what needs to be noted is that the alcohol must not come from alcoholic beverages. This is in accordance with the Fatwa of the Indonesian Council of Ulama No. 11 of 2018 concerning Cosmetic Products Containing Alcohol/Ethanol, which states, “The use of alcohol/ethanol in cosmetic products is not limited in content, as long as the ethanol used does not come from the khamr industry (either the result of chemical synthesis [from petrochemicals] or the result of the non-khamr fermentation industry) and is not medically harmful”.

The last one is related to the water permeability of cosmetic products. Several types of cosmetic products are deliberately made with water-resistant or waterproof properties so that when used, the product continues to function properly. For example, eyeliner does not fade when exposed to sweat and others. However, on the one hand, the product must be able to absorb water immediately. Therefore, cosmetic products need to be tested for water permeability to ensure that the product does not block water from reaching the skin during ablution. “Currently, the cosmetic industry has adjusted itself by creating the right formula to meet all consumer needs, including providing for the needs of the Hajj and Umrah. We must remain vigilant in finding cosmetics that are truly safe, halal, and do not violate the provisions of the Hajj or Umrah,” said Muti Arintawati.

She also emphasized that the halalness of the product needs to be proven through an inspection process, which is then approved by the MUI Fatwa Commission and marked by the issuance of a Halal Determination Certificate (KH). This certificate will be the basis for issuing a Halal Certificate (SH) from the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH). In this case, LPPOM as one of the Halal Inspection Body (LPH) is always open to all cosmetic industries that want to carry out halal certification for their products.

Currently, many cosmetic products are halal certified. The easiest way to choose a halal product is to check the halal logo on the product packaging. In addition, consumers can also check halal products on the website, the MUI Halal application, which can be downloaded on the Playstore, and the BPJPH website. Good luck. (YN)