
Transformation of MUI Halal Certificate into MUI Halal Decree

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  • Transformation of MUI Halal Certificate into MUI Halal Decree

Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning the Halal Product Assurance Act (JPH Act) was effectively implemented on 17 October 2019. Indonesia should be proud of the existence of this JPH Act because this Law is the first in the world. It is hoped that with the existence of the JPH Act, people, especially Muslims and generally Indonesians, can be guaranteed the halal-ness of the products they consume.

(Also read: The History of the Legislation for Halal Certification Services in Indonesia)

With the existence of this JPH Act, it also initiated changes to the halal certification process in Indonesia. The Indonesian Council of Ulama through the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama, which has carried out halal certification for 31 years, has transformed its role in halal certification.

In the JPH Act, there are at least 3 (three parties) who participate in the implementation of halal certification. Among them: the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) as the regulator, MUI as the fatwa provider, and the Halal Assessment Agency (LPH) as the agency in charge of checking the halal-ness of products.

LPPOM MUI is transforming into one and the only LPH that has been around for 31 years. In addition to the transforming roles of MUI and LPPOM MUI, MUI’s halal certificate has also changed to MUI Halal Stipulation.

(Also read: LPPOM MUI is ready to carry out the mandate of Act no. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance)

The MUI Halal Stipulation issued by MUI is a written Fatwa issued by the MUI, through the decision of the Fatwa Commission hearing, which states the halal-ness of a product, based on an audit process conducted by LPPOM MUI.

This MUI Halal Stipulation was issued for products that were issued starting in January 2020. And have legal force such as the previously issued MUI Halal Certificate. Among them: can be used as a requirement in filing a halal label submitted to the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM RI), administrative requirements for exports abroad, even for the countries of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Because of LPPOM MUI has been accredited with SNI ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 and accreditation from the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) on the UAE.S standard 2055-2.2016. (YS)

(Also read: LPPOM MUI is the First HalalCertification Body (HCB) in Indonesia recognized by ESMA)

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