
This Is The Success Key In Realizing Halal and Safe Cosmetics

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  • This Is The Success Key In Realizing Halal and Safe Cosmetics
Inilah Kunci Sukses Wujudkan Kosmetik Halal dan Aman

In the world of beauty, choosing the right cosmetic products is increasingly important. Besides functioning to beautify, cosmetics also must be safe and fulfill the law of Islamic Shariah, especially for Muslims who prioritize halal principles in every aspect of their lives, including the use of beauty products.

Cosmetics become one of the products that must have a halal certificate if they still want to be circulated and marketed in Indonesia. Halal Audit Quality Board of LPPOM, Dr. Ir. Mulyorini Rahayuningsih Hilwan, M.Si., explained this matter in a seminar with the theme “Navigating Cosmetics Halal Compliance 2026: Challenges and Strategies” held by LPPOM in the Cosmobeaute 2024 exhibition event collaborate with PT. Pamerindo Indonesia at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on 10th October 2024. 

Her side explained that some crucial points are determining the success of cosmetic product halal certification. Terms of raw materials must be checked thoroughly through the audit inspection process, whether the product or the cosmetic raw materials contain any Najis/non-halal material or not. Next, in terms of laboratory testing physically are the cosmetics capable of being through by water or not. 

“Cosmetics can be produced from various materials, such as animals, plants, human organs, and microbial products. Plants become one of the most used in cosmetics. Plants are included in the non-critical material list (positive list). But, plants have to go through various processes to become a cosmetic product. That process needs other materials that are used as an auxiliary material in that process. Thus, it needs to be ensured that the auxiliary materials are free from Najis and non-halal materials,” said Mulyorini. 

The next material that is often used is animal source material. Fatty acid derivatives are also often used as a fragrance and cleanser. There are a lot of fatty acid derivatives whose form is not fatty acids anymore; instead, they become compositions of new chemical compounds. One

of them is the sodium tallowate in bath soap that must be noticed to come from halal animal fat, such as cows or sheep. 

“The next critical point for halal is seen from the physical properties that water can through, many cosmetics are created to be water resistant or waterproof. This is to keep the cosmetics long-lasting when used so they don’t fade. It is important for a Muslim to pay attention to this. Don’t use cosmetics that block our body parts and prevent water from passing through. “So that when performing ablution (wudhu), the water does not touch the body parts and makes the ablution (wudhu) invalid,” said Mulyorini. 

Because of that, water penetration testing has become one of the required things to do in the halal certification process. LPPOM MUI Laboratory, already ISO 17025 accredited, serves various tests, one of which being water penetration testing for cosmetic products. 

Meanwhile, Head of Laboratory LPPOM MUI Heryani, S.Si., M.TPn., said that the cosmetics industry is growing rapidly in line with consumer demand for beauty products. This is shown by 2024 data from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) that as of October 2024, as many as 534,062 products have received distribution permit approval, dominated by cosmetic products rather than food products. 

“The cosmetic industry will always grow. That’s why, the safety of cosmetic products becomes a crucial thing for the consumer’s health, and laboratory tests have a vital role in ensuring a safe and effective cosmetic product,” Heryani explained. 

He also explained the factors that influence the safety of cosmetic products. First, whether the source of the ingredients used still contains dangerous ingredients, allergens, and irritants or not. Second, product formulation regarding product stability, pH, and preservatives. Third, the production process from the start of manufacture to the quality control process to the calibration tool. Fourth, packaging and storage include proper storage as well as labels and product information. Lastly, regulatory compliance and laboratory safety testing. 

“The testing of laboratory safety is part of the compliance of the regulation and as a form of consumer protection. This is said in the PerBPOM regulation No. 16 Year 2024 that businesspeople must guarantee the cosmetics they produce and/or import to be circulated in Indonesia must fulfill the safety and quality requirements. “Safety and quality requirements are in the form of contamination limits in cosmetics in the form of microbial contamination, heavy metal contamination, and chemical contamination,” explained Heryani. 

In this case, the LPPOM MUI Laboratory is ready to assist every cosmetic businesspeople in carrying out tests to fulfill the government regulations. This is to ensure the availability of halal and safe cosmetic products for the public to create a sense of secure and comfort for consumers of cosmetic products in Indonesia.

Cosmobeaute exhibition is a cosmetic exhibition that focuses on the beauty industry. This event is the biggest exhibition that shows various products and technology in the cosmetics sector, skincare, facial care, perfumes, and hair care products. Besides that, this exhibition is officially opened from 10-12 October 2024 at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). Visitors can explore market products from various countries. 

This event was warmly welcomed by thousands of visitors, from businesspeople to beauty professionals, who were present to be able to establish business connections with more than 380 participants featuring 1,200 brands from various countries such as China, France, Italy, Korea, and the United States of America. Of course, LPPOM also attended this event. The visitors can do a consultation with LPPOM about halal laboratory and halal certification in Hall B Booth No. T36. 

For now, LPPOM keeps encouraging the government’s effort to realize halal awareness in every way, starting from educating businesspeople to plenty of programs to make it easier for businesspeople in halal certificating, including for free. LPPOM also provides a platform that is easily used for consumers, whether businesspeople or public, to check a product that is already halal certified. 

You can check a halal of a product on the website or the Halal MUI application that can be downloaded on Google Playstore and the BPJPH website. Businesspeople who have food products that are still not registered for halal certification register immediately and choose LPPOM LPH to do the halal inspection to fulfill the regulations that have been enforced by the government. LPPOM also offered various laboratory tests, including for food safety and vegan claims. (ZUL)

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