
These Are 4 Reasons That Require Cosmetics To Be Halal Accreditated

4 Alasan Ini Mengharuskan Kosmetik Sertifikasi Halal

The obligation for cosmetics products to be halal accredited is already set by 17 October 2026. This matter follows the Constitution Number 33 Year 2014 about Halal Product Guarantee (JPH Constitution) and its derivatives. Halal Audit Quality Board of LPPOM, Dr. Ir. Mulyorini Rahayuningsih Hilwan, M.Si., discussed this matter in a Cosmobeaute Indonesia seminar with the topic “Halal & Sustainable Cosmetics: Synergies and Benefit” some time ago in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC).

“Seen from its use, cosmetics can be used for two things. The first one is for internal uses that can be eaten/swallowed, such as lipstick and lip balm. The second one is for external use on some body parts at a certain time and can affect the ablution/wudhu status. For example, hair coloring, waterproof decorative cosmetics, etc.” She clarified.

Besides that, Mulyorini highlights four reasons related to substances that could make cosmetics haram based on MUI Fatwa Number 26 Year 2013, about Halal Standard Cosmetic Products and Their Use. Firstly, the use of cosmetics for makeup is allowed, with the requirement that the substances that are used are halal and not harmful (safe). Secondly, cosmetics products that contain substances with microbes that result from engineering genetics involving genes from pigs or even humans are prohibited.   

The third one is cosmetics products that use substances (raw materials, active ingredients, and/or additional ingredients) from halal animal derivatives (in the form of fat or other) that the slaughter way is unknown are counted as makruh tahrim, which have to be avoided. Fourth, cosmetics that use substances from microbial products whose microbial growth medium is unknown, whether they come from pigs, must be avoided until there is clarity about the halal and purity of the ingredients.

Many things must be highlighted, but the halal cosmetic industry is also facing various challenges, whether from the supplier side (substances producer) or the producer product. Challenges that have been faced such as many cosmetic ingredients being given the market names, the same type of ingredient with different codes having completely different halal statuses, the complexity of the substances (base, sub-base, etc / premix inside of premix, etc), and also the substances are produced in non-free pigs’ facility.

The product producer must have an understanding of building and implementing a Halal Guarantee System in accordance with the business processes. Challenges that have been faced, involving: a lot of complex material, a lot of products, and a lot of production places (Owned by the company or owned by other parties). Meanwhile, different challenges that have been faced are the new list of Halal Certification Bodies (HCB) / Halal Certification Bodies (LSH) recognized by BPJPH is not yet available; some halal certification bodies may no longer be accredited, as well as various changes in halal product guarantee regulations in Indonesia which continue to change.

To overcome the various challenges, LPPOM keeps improving the auditor’s competence in sustainability through various training and particular evaluations related to cosmetics (knowledge about cosmetic substances and supporting document requirements, type oof business process, Enterprise Resource Planning, audit technic, etc), improving audit system for a complex business process, and also enhancing assessment tools for cosmetics substances (ingredients positive list, Decree on Critical Material Supporting Documents; HAS 23201: Halal Ingredient Requirements). 

But Muslim consumers do not need to worry. Even though it’s still 2024, many cosmetic producers have halal accreditation for their products. You can check for halal cosmetic products on this website,, or you can download the app HalalMUI in the Playstore. Good luck.