
The Awareness of Halal Increases, LPPOM Keeps Doing The Halal Education

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  • The Awareness of Halal Increases, LPPOM Keeps Doing The Halal Education
Kesadaran Halal Meningkat, LPPOM Terus Lakukan Edukasi Halal

From time to time, the public has an increasing good perception towards consuming halal products. Even so, this has to be encouraged through several halal education activities. Besides that, halal certification gives a benefit, spiritually or economically.

Corporate Secretary LPPOM, Raafqi Ranasasmita, conveyed this matter on talk show events with the title “Accelerating the Digital Ecosystem, Green Economy and Global Halal Value Chain to Realize a Sustainability Islamic Economy” held on Sunday, 28th July 2024 at Trilogi University, Jakarta. This agenda became one of the Regional Scientific Meeting (TELMIREG) series of events Jabodetabek 2024 that held by the Silaturahim Study of Islamic Economy Forum (FoSSEI). 

“The growth of halal ecosystem already went well since the publication of the Law Number 33 Year 2014 about Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH), and its derivatives, that obligate halal certification for every product and services that circulated in Indonesia. Of course, it is a very good step in giving comfort and tranquility for every Muslim consumer in Indonesia,” Raafqi explained. 

LPPOM, in 2022, has done the research to measure the branding perception related to halal to 203 respondents. About 58% were willing to choose halal-certified products, although it’s more pricey. And about 49% a halal certificateatesficate can fulfill the ofeds if safety when consuming a product. 

Not only does it provide a feeling of security and peace for the consumers, but halal certification can also provide three main benefits for businesspeople. First, standardization of knowledge and expertise. Every personnel that involved in production process have the same knowledge related to the Standard Operating Procedure that are applied. 

Second, standardization of activities. The company has special standards that every employee must comply wit, so as tominimizeg fraud and errors during the production process. Third, recording of materials needs to be made so that it is easy to trace the date of entry, expiration,

and so on. In this forum, Raafqi invited participants to take an active role in the halal ecosystem, such as through the role of competent halal supervisors. 

Present as speakers at this talk show was the general chairman of AFSI, Ronald Yusuf Wijaya and the CEO of ELEVARM and chairman of the Aqsa Farm Tazkia Multi-Party Services Cooperative, Bayu Syerli. Apart from that, this activity was also attended by more than 100 scientific work competition participants who were also students from various universities in Indonesia. Apart from talk shows, LPPOM also continues to support the Halal Awareness Movement which is also a series of TELMIREG Jabodetabek 2024 activities. 

LPPOM always encourage the increasing awareness of halal in the public, especially Indonesian Muslims. Because of that, since 1989, LPPOM synergize with various parties in building the halal awareness in various form of programs that done online or offline. 

The online activities can be accessed on LPPOM social media, which include Instagram Live, webinars, education content, as well as quiz mass media publications. Meanwhile, the offline activities that are usually done by LPPOM include seminars, exhibitions, discussion forums, school visits, etc. All of the information can be accessed through the website. (YN)

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