
Committed to Improving Professionalism, LPPOM MUI Held International Standard Comprehension Training

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  • Committed to Improving Professionalism, LPPOM MUI Held International Standard Comprehension Training

The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) successfully held a training on Understanding SNI ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 and SNI ISO TS 22003:2022 on 28 February to 1 March 2023. The event is a commitment from LPPOM MUI to develop knowledge and competence for employees and auditors who play a role in the halal certification process.

In his remarks, the Director of Strategy and Operations of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Sumunar Jati, MP, revealed that this training was part of LPPOM MUI’s commitment to upholding the values of IHSAN (Integrity, Reliability, Synergy, Enthusiasm for innovation) Customer-First), especially in the HANDAL aspect.

“This organization (LPPOM MUI) is committed to complying with regulations and upholding quality in the halal certification process so that it becomes the leading choice for business actors and can facilitate exports through inspections based on internationally recognized halal standards,” explained Sumunar. His party also appreciates the National Standardization Agency (BSN) for assisting competency improvement programs through this offline in-house training.

The training, attended by 25 auditor participants and LPPOM MUI staff, began with a presentation by Daya Aruna Bratajaya, S.T. from BSN, regarding the Conformity Assessment System that applies at the national and international levels. Participants are invited to understand the differences between accreditation and certification, as well as the various requirements that conformity assessment bodies in Indonesia must meet.

Arini Widyastuti, STP, M.Sc., Head of the Standardization and Conformity Assessment Human Resource Development Center, BSN delivered the following presentation. His party is glad to be back as a trainer, having previously collaborated with LPPOM MUI regarding efforts to advance the halal ecosystem, such as in the formulation of Halal SNI and LPPOM MUI ISO17065 accreditation.

Arini started the training by explaining the SNI ISO TS 22003 food safety standards so that participants get the latest standard novelty which was just launched in 2022 ago. Participants were also invited to learn the difference from the previous standard version. The presentation continued with management material for certification bodies based on the international standard SNI ISO/IEC 17021:2011.

This is also enriched with material related to Halal Standard GSO 2055-2:2021 issued by the Gulf Standardization Organization so that participants can understand and benchmark against the operational requirements of international halal certification/examiner bodies in the Middle East region.

The participants were enthusiastic about the course of the training, from the many questions that arose and the active discussion from the participants regarding the new requirements and the deepening of certain aspects. By joining this training, it is expected that LPPOM MUI will be able to improve further competence in managing halal certification and spur itself to become the world’s leading halal certification and examiner body so that LPPOM MUI can continue to be the leading solution in halal assurance. (RR)

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