
Respecting Diversity, LPPOM Clarifies Regarding Rejection of Halal Tourism and Non-Halal Festivals

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  • Respecting Diversity, LPPOM Clarifies Regarding Rejection of Halal Tourism and Non-Halal Festivals
Hargai Keberagaman, LPPOM Buka Suara Soal Penolakan Wisata Halal dan Festival Non-Halal

LPPOM emphasizes that it always respects diversity. This stems from the incident of rejection of a non-halal culinary festival in Solo and halal tourism in Labuan Bajo some time ago.

News related to the exclusivity of halal consumption has resurfaced. There has been a rejection of halal tourism in several areas, such as Bali, North Sumatra, and most recently, Labuan Bajo, NTT. Previously, in May 2024, LPPOM provided halal certification facilities in the culinary area of ​​Kampung Ujung, Labuan Bajo. With various requirements, one of which is the availability of halal food, KNEKS then inaugurated this area as a Halal, Safe, and Healthy Culinary Zone (KHAS).

Most recently, around early July 2024, there was a rejection of a non-halal culinary festival in Solo, Central Java. As reported by, the non-halal culinary festival was temporarily stopped. Due to protests from residents, the festival was finally reopened at Solo Paragon Mall on Jalan Yosodipuro Solo.

Clearly Better than Syubhat

The President Director of LPPOM, Muti Arintawati, said that LPPOM respects the diversity of people in Indonesia. In terms of consuming halal products, the certificate is proof that confirms that a product has undergone a series of inspection processes so that its halalness can be ascertained.

Muti also emphasized that halal products are only produced from ingredients whose halalness is not in doubt and are processed in facilities that are free from contamination of haram and najis materials. Because production facilities are also a determining factor in the halalness of a product, audits must be carried out by observing the production process directly (áinul yaqiin) at the production location.

Audits must be carried out while the production process is in progress so that auditors can verify and confirm the ingredients used through formulas or production records. To strengthen the confidence of the materials used, auditors must also see the storage of materials and products in the warehouse, check the material purchasing documents and observe the possibility of contamination by haram and unclean materials during the production and storage process. To provide assurance of the continuity of the halal production process, business actors must implement the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH).

“The existence of a halal or non-halal declaration, especially if proven by a third party, provides clarity for all parties regarding the halal and haram of a product. LPPOM, as the Halal Inspection Body (LPH), has taken on this role since 35 years ago. What LPPOM has done so far is a real form of us implementing the principle of himmayatul ummah, namely, protecting the people from food that is doubtful, let alone haram,” explained Muti Arintawati.

Her party also emphasized that having a non-halal claim on a product is actually much better than a product that is actually haram but does not provide any information so that it can mislead Muslim consumers. The reason is clear: products that claim to be non-halal are only intended for non-Muslims.

Clarity of non-halal labels or claims for products containing haram ingredients in accordance with Government Regulation No. 33 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Assurance Sector. Article 92 states that business actors who produce products made from haram ingredients are required to include a non-halal statement in the form of pictures, signs, or writing.

“Therefore, the existence of the non-halal festival that was held some time ago should not be a problem as long as its implementation does not disturb and mislead the Muslim community or has the potential to contaminate products consumed by the Muslim community,” said Muti.

Halal Tourism Expands Market Reach

Meanwhile, halal tourism is inclusive. So far, many people still assume that halal tourism is the same as forcing an area to apply principles that are in accordance with Islamic law. Of course, this is a misconception.

Expert Staff for Business Development, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), Masruroh, at the peak of the LPPOM 1445 H Syawal Festival on May 8, 2024 in Labuan Bajo, said that halal tourism provides additional services or extended services to meet the needs of Muslim tourists, such as the availability of halal-certified food and beverage products and worship facilities at tourist attractions. The halal certificate on food and beverage products is a guarantee of the halalness of a product.

“This is a response to requests from Muslim tourists who want to carry out their worship without experiencing difficulties in finding services that are in accordance with their religious beliefs and principles,” explained Masruroh.

On a different occasion, Muti said that the presence of the halal tourism concept was intended to attract Muslim tourists to visit tourist areas. Of course, Muslims have certain needs that must be met that are closely related to Islamic law. From here, the term halal tourism emerged which provides various facilities that make it easier for Muslims, such as the availability of halal food and beverage products proven by the existence of halal certificates, as well as worship facilities at tourist attractions.

“If you look at it from a helicopter view, this halal tourism will actually open up new market taps, which will ultimately return to the purpose of the birth of a tourist attraction, namely to improve the economic level of the local community. Previously, Muslims thought twice about stopping by a particular tourist destination. Still, with more halal food options and the availability of decent places of worship, the tourist attraction becomes a choice for tourists. Moreover, this is also related to the accommodation, restaurant, transportation, and local craft businesses,” said Muti Arintawati.

Specifically, related to the halal certificate of the product, this is a form of guarantee of the halalness and safety of a product, halalan thayyiban. Both are important, not only for Muslims but for anyone who wants to travel.

As is well known globally, the consumption of halal products has become a lifestyle. This means that it is applied not only by Muslims but also by non-Muslims. Some people with certain principles also use rules for what they want to consume, such as not consuming pork and its derivatives, vegetarian, and so on. Halal-certified products also answer these needs.

“Don’t think that halal tourism is curbing the diversity that exists in Indonesia. We need to turn this into a big business potential, especially to attract domestic and international Muslim tourist markets. Of course, by implementing the concept of halal tourism, Muslims can travel calmly and peacefully,” explained Muti Arintawati. (YN)