Some time ago, the internet was abuzz with the issue of shoes labeled “pig skin”, which contained pig skin material. In addition, there are actually also wallets, belts, bags, and so on. This has caused pros and cons, even among Muslims themselves. Some agree not to use products made from pig skin because they are unclean. Others allow it because it is considered that the goods used are not consumed directly into the body. So, what is the fatwa on the use of these goods actually?
Laboratory Service Expert of LPPOM MUI, Dr. Priyo Wahyudi, M.Si., explained that in its origins, clothing since the beginning of civilization, humans have used animal skin to make clothing materials. Neanderthals, for example, have used animal skin to keep their bodies warm and dry. Then, the use of materials for clothing continued to develop around 5,000 BC using natural fibers (plants) as well as cotton made from plants and wool from sheep’s wool. After that, Chinese civilization introduced silk from caterpillar cocoons in 4,000 BC.
Regarding the use of animal skin, Islam regulates animal skin as being used for good. This, among others, has been discussed in the MUI Fatwa No. 56 of 2014 concerning Animal Skin Tanning and Its Utilization, which states that utilizing the skin of animal carcasses that are ma’kul lahm (the meat can be eaten) or ghairu ma’kul lahm (the meat cannot be eaten) for goods is mubah (allowed) after being tanned. This is an exception for dogs, pigs, and skin that are born from both or one of them.
This is emphasized again in the MUI Fatwa No. 15 of 2021 concerning Halal Certification Standards for Animal-Based Goods. Specifically, this fatwa explains the procedures for tanning according to Islamic law, namely:
- The type of animal is an animal other than a pig and a dog or one that is born from both or one of them;
- Using a means to remove mucus and the fishy smell that sticks to the skin;
- Remove dirt that sticks to the surface of the skin; and
- Rinse the skin that has been cleaned to purify it from impurities.
“So, the standards or guidelines for halal certification of animal-based consumer goods are very complete and clearly stated in the existing MUI Fatwa. In the two fatwas it is clearly stated that pig skin or what is widely marked with the label ‘pig skin’ is haram to use,” explained Priyo. In addition to the origin of the animal, the additional materials and aids used must not contain impurities, such as dyes, chemicals, or (if any) enzymes.
In addition to being clearly stated in the MUI Fatwa, the obligation to obtain halal certification for consumer goods has also been regulated in Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance and its derivatives. Mandatory halal certification is applied to products circulating in Indonesia. Consumer goods are one of the products that must be halal certified, and they are divided into consumer goods that are used, consumer goods that are used, and consumer goods that are utilized. The mandatory implementation of halal certification for consumer goods is currently entering a transition period and will be enforced in 2026.
Unfortunately, not many consumer goods have halal certification. However, Priyo emphasized that leather products can actually be identified. “Although it is rather difficult to detect with the naked eye, identification is still possible. In addition to paying attention to the label on the product, consumers can also pay attention to the pattern that appears on the surface of the skin. For pigskin, it will show a triangular pattern with three points,” he explained.
He also explained that the most rational choice is to test consumer goods in a laboratory. Through laboratory testing, a product can be identified, and the source of its leather materials and products can be authenticated. LPPOM MUI has a halal laboratory that provides two testing methods, namely molecular-based testing, namely DNA testing through PCR techniques, and microscopic testing, namely by observing skin pore patterns using a stereo microscope. In addition to leather testing services for consumer goods, the LPPOM MUI Laboratory is also the first laboratory in Indonesia to be accredited by KAN for halal and vegan testing. This laboratory has obtained ISO/IEC 17025:2017. That way, you don’t need to hesitate to test the halalness of products at the LPPOM MUI Laboratory. To find out more complete information regarding testing, you can access the website (YN)