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  • LPPOM MUI 1442 H Syawal Festival Encourages the Progress of Indonesian MSEs

LPPOM MUI Syawal Festival was conducted on 22 June 2021, the event was expected to be more liven up the support and collaboration to the whole stakeholders on Indonesia’s SMEs to compete globally. 

Based on the data of The Ministry of Cooperation and Small Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkop RI) shows that there are 64,1 Mio MSMEs actors. It is spectacular not only by the amount but also the ability to face the economical crisis has been proven.

The support of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) particularly Small and Micro Enterprises (MSEs) is needed so that the products meet the regulation and are accepted by the markets. One of the requirements for UMK to be accepted by Muslim consumers is certified as a halal product, it is also becoming the proof and guarantee that the products are lawful (halal) and good (thayyib). 

The statement was delivered by the Executive Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si in the closing ceremony of Syawal Festival LPPOM MUI 1442 H on 22 June 2021 virtually. Based on the 32 years of experience of LPPOM MUI giving service to process halal certification, at least there are three main difficulties faced by SMEs in processing halal certification. 

First, the lack of knowledge concerning halal certification requirements. Second, the limited information access to halal ingredients, it is still difficult to have the source of meats and their derivatives that have been certified as halal. The third is the cost.

“By implementing Act Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH), surely we have great expectations that every obstacle in the halal certification process can be solved,” said Muti. 

Realizing the limitation of SMEs, LPPOM MUI initiated to hold Syawal Festival 1442 H as support to level up the competitiveness and product value-added, also as a commitment of LPPOM MUI to support the government increasing the production of Indonesian halal products to compete globally. 

The programs are facilitating and counseling halal certification to the MSEs actors all over Indonesia. Previously, the programs that facilitate SMEs have been held sporadically in the center and all of the provinces in Indonesia by LPPOM MUI or other parties that cooperated with LPPOM MUI.

“LPPOM MUI held the program privately so that it was not known by the public. Alhamdulillah, it was because of the good cooperation among LPPOM MUI in all provinces in Indonesia, the program could run simultaneously” said Muti. 

LPPOM MUI Syawal Festival is expected to support SMEs in Indonesia. By the cooperation from the stakeholders, Muti is optimistic that Indonesia SMEs can be more advanced, developed, and qualified. At last but not least, the event is expected to meet the requirements of halalan thayyiban so that it can compete for both in the domestic and global market. 

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