
Obtaining a Blessed Life by Emulating Prophet Ibrahim


As believers, we always hope for a blessed life. We often recite prayers, asking Allah the Almighty to bestow His blessings in every movement of our life journey.

What is meant by “blessing”? According to the term, blessing/barokah is ziyadatul khair fii tha’atillah, “increasing goodness in obeying (the Guidance of Religion) of Allah” (Imam Al-Ghazali, Encyclopedia of Sufism, p. 79).

The value of goodness continues to increase both for oneself and others around him. Blessing is also a value of goodness that continues without stopping. The next goodness, etc, follows one goodness.

By obtaining this blessing, the types of goodness, rewards, pleasure, happiness, development, sufficiency, peace, benefits, close ties, and harmony also increase, especially for the environment.

In the Shariah of Sahih Muslim by Imam Nawawi, it is stated that blessings have two meanings: (1) growing, developing, or increasing, and (2) continuous goodness.

As a simple example of its application, blessings in the sustenance consumed must be in the form of halal food and obtained in a halal way. And that is true goodness in the sight of the Divine-Robbi. Then, the food is consumed by the family, children and wife. Children also have positive energy, become healthy, grow and develop to do further good.

All of that is a gift of goodness in the framework of obedience to Allah, which is also of great value as worship in the sight of Allah. So, a beautiful expression emerges: Baiti Jannati. My house is my heaven.

On the other hand, if Allah does not give blessings because of the sins committed. Then, from the side of worldly life, whatever is owned, wealth is abundant so that it is said that seven generations will not run out, but if it comes from a source or method of acquisition that is not halal.

So, as believers, we hope to live a blessed life, the gift of Allah the Most Gracious. By referring to, among others, trying to emulate the lives of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad SAW, their children and families have received increasing goodness in this world and the hereafter. Pay attention to the final Tasyahud reading in every prayer:

“At-Tahiyyaatul Mubaarakaatush Sha la waatuth Thoyyibaatulillaah. As Salaamu’Alaika Ayyuhan Nabiyyu Wa Rahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh, Assalaamu’Alaina Wa’Alaa Ibaadillaahishaalihiin. Ashhaduallaa Ilaaha Illallaah, Wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammad Rasuulullaah. Allaahumma Shalli’Alaa Muhammad, Wa’Alaa Aali Muhammad. Kamaa Shallaita Alaa Ibraahiim Wa Alaa Aali Ibraahiim. Wabaarik’Alaa Muhammad Wa Alaa Aali Muhammad. Kamaa Baarakta Alaa Ibraahiim Wa Alaa Aali Ibraahiim, Fil’Aalamiina Innaka Hamiidum Majiid.”

Meaning: “O Allah, grant mercy to the family of the Prophet Muhammad, like the mercy you gave to the Prophet Ibrahim and his family. And bestow blessings on the Prophet Muhammad and his family, like the blessings that You gave to the Prophet Ibrahim and his family, you are the Most Praiseworthy and Most Glorious God in the entire universe.”

Noble Figure and Exemplary Family Choice;

Among the references and examples of the blessed life of Prophet Ibrahim and his family are:

1. Many of his descendants became prophets and role models for the people

“Indeed, Allah has chosen Adam, Nuh, the family of Ibrahim and the family of Imran above all the people (in their respective times),” [QS. Ali’ Imran, 3: 33].

“Indeed, Ibrahim was an imam (who can be used as an example), obedient to Allah and hanif. And he is not among the polytheists (who associate partners with Allah).” [QS. An-Nahl, 16: 120].

2. Allah approved the prayer of the Prophet Ibrahim Maqbul

The land of Arabia is dry and barren. Moreover, in Mecca, where the Baitullah was built, there is a valley where not even plants grow: bi wadin ghairi dzi dzar’in… “O our Lord, indeed I have placed some of my descendants in a valley where there are no plants near the house You (Baitullah) are respected, O our Lord (such that) so that they can pray, so make the hearts of some people inclined towards them and give them sustenance from fruits, hopefully they will be grateful.” (QS. Ibrahim, 14: 37).

3. In the story of Prophet Ismail, Zam-Zam’s water first gushed from the stomp of his feet when he was still a baby. Because he couldn’t get water, Prophet Ismail, who was still a baby, felt thirsty. So, he cried and struggled. At that time, Ismail cried while stomping his feet on the ground. With the power of Allah SWT, from the stomping of baby Ismail’s feet, a water source appeared in the middle of a barren valley.

Emulating the Prophet Ibrahim to Live a Blessed Life:

With Allah’s blessing, efforts to achieve a blessed life are carried out by imitating and following in the footsteps of the Prophet Ibrahim and his family. Pay attention to Allah saying with meaning, “Indeed, there has been a good role model for you in Ibrahim and those who were with him…” (QS. Al-Mumlahanah, 60: 4).

“Indeed, Ibrahim is an imam who can be used as an example of obedience to Allah and Hanif. And He is never among those who associate partners with (God).” (QS. An-Nahl, 16:120).

Efforts to emulate the Prophet Ibrahim include:

1. Actively preach and make sacrifices to uphold the religion of Allah and eradicate polytheism without feeling embarrassed. Even towards the father of his own family. “(Remember) when he (Ibrahim) said to his father, “O my father! Why do you worship something that does not hear, does not see, and cannot help you?” [QS. Maryam, 19: 42].

2. Building a House of Worship – Baitullah and Reviving its Symbols

“And (remember) when Ibrahim raised ( building) the foundations of the House of Allah with Ismail (while praying): “Our Lord, accept from us (our deeds), surely You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (QS. Al-Baqarah, 2:127).

After the building was perfect and complete as a great legacy from Khalil Allah (Prophet Ibrahim), Allah wa ta’ala ordered him to invite people to perform the pilgrimage in this Baitullah. So, they called people who came to the place from all corners far away to witness various benefits in this world and the hereafter.

3. Be consistent and serious about upholding prayer and educate and instill it with your family: “O my God, make me and my children and grandchildren people who continue to pray, O Our God, please accept my prayer.” (QS. Ibrahim 40).

The story and example of the Prophet Ibrahim and his family teach us a profound lesson: struggle with sincere sacrifice will undoubtedly give birth to blessings, the grace of God Almighty, and the world until the next day. Ibrahim became the most beloved person to Allah, Khalil Ullah, Imam, Abul Anbiya (father of the prophets), Hanif, good name, abundant wealth, and many more. Yes, only by sacrificing for the sake of Allah alone can we achieve blessings, the grace of Allah, the Most Gracious.

From the sacrifice of Ibrahim and his family, the city of Makkah and its surroundings became the center of worship for humanity worldwide. The blessed Zamzam well flows in the middle of the desert and never dries up. And the peak of blessings from all of that is from his descendants was born a chosen human being throughout the ages: Prophet Muhammad saw., Rasulullah saw. who became rahmatan lil’alamiin. Wallahu a’lam bish-showab. (Summarized and adapted from various sources by Usman Effendi AS ., Halal Journal contributor).