
Not Only Opening the 3rd Outlet, Now Haraku Ramen Has a Halal Certificate

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  • Not Only Opening the 3rd Outlet, Now Haraku Ramen Has a Halal Certificate
Tak Hanya Buka Gerai ke-3, Kini Haraku Ramen Kantongi Sertifikat Halal

Haraku Ramen is an affordable ramen outlet with a self-service concept that has received a halal certificate from the MUI. A series of halal inspection processes have been carried out through the LPH LPPOM MUI.

Are you a ramen lover? If so, you should be happy. The reason is that the choice of halal ramen restaurants continues to grow. This time, Haraku Ramen from the Ismaya Group has received a halal certificate with the number ID00410007963730823 since September 7, 2023. Symbolically, the halal certificate was handed over by Dr. H. A. Sukandar M.Ag., Middle Expert Policy Analyst / Coordinator in the Halal Certification Sector of the Halal Registration and Certification Centre (BPJPH), accompanied by Dr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si, the Director of Partnership and Halal Audit Services of the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) to Cendyarani, The President Director of Ismaya Group on January 30, 2024, at Haraku Ramen, Gandaria City.

Previously, Haraku Ramen had gone through a strict halal product inspection process carried out by LPPOM MUI, starting from the ingredients used, how to process raw materials, and other audit aspects according to the standards set by the BPJPH of the Ministry of Religion and LPPOM MUI. Haraku Ramen has also implemented the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH) very well (excellent).

“Haraku Ramen products are not only quality products but are also guaranteed in terms of their halal aspects. LPPOM MUI has ensured that each product has gone through a standardized halal inspection process, both in terms of ingredients, products, processes, facilities and halal management systems, until finally Haraku Ramen from Ismaya Group received a halal certificate. Of course, this will not be realized without strong commitment and cooperation from various parties, both in the management ranks and the team at the restaurant,” said Muslich.

His party emphasized that what is checked is related to the raw materials and human resources used to certify a product. This means that the company must be able to form a halal management team to implement SJPH very well in its outlets. Halal certification can be a good start in developing a business. For the community, Haraku Ramen adds to the list of halal foods in many areas or places.

Meanwhile, Sukandar, who represented the Head of BPJPH, Muhammad Aqil Irham, said that his party greatly appreciated Ismaya Group through Haraku Ramen, which had received halal certification. The efforts made by Haraku Ramen are in line with the obligation of halal certification for food and beverage products, which will be implemented as of October 17, 2024.

“Of course, this also supports a joint commitment to make Indonesia the largest center for halal products in the world. Hopefully, Haraku Ramen can become the ramen destination of choice for the Indonesian people,” said Sukandar.

On the same occasion, Cendyarani admitted that her party was very pleased with the positive enthusiasm from customers towards the Haraku Ramen outlet. This halal certificate is also a form of Haraku Ramen’s commitment to maintaining customer trust.

“The presence of Haraku Ramen, as a ramen house known for using quality raw materials, is also awaited by many customers in other cities in Indonesia. To meet this demand, we are pleased to announce that we will bring Haraku Ramen to various regions in Indonesia, including Karawang, Karawaci, Makassar, and Palembang in the coming months.”

In addition to the ceremonial handover of the halal certificate, this event also opened the third outlet. It introduced the new concept of Haraku Ramen in Gandaria City, which provides a new experience, namely self-service, where customers can choose a ramen menu and side menus at the counter. Also, the open kitchen concept owned by Haraku Ramen allows customers to see the safe and hygienic ramen processing process.

Now, consuming a bowl of ramen at Haraku Ramen is no longer a worry. You can also check the list of other halal ramen restaurants through the website or the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded from Playstore. (YN)

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