
No Need to Worry, K3 Mart Officially Has a Halal Certificate

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  • No Need to Worry, K3 Mart Officially Has a Halal Certificate

K3 Mart is a grocery store with a Lifestyle Mart theme, a retail store that provides a shopping sensation like in Korea with a cooking concept and can eat on the spot. K3 Mart has obtained a halal certificate with a series of halal inspection processes that have been carried out through LPPOM.

Do you like shopping for K-Pop related items at K3 Mart? If so, you should be happy. The reason is that shopping for halal products from South Korea continues to grow. This time, there is K3 Mart which has obtained a halal certificate with the number ID12210017327770823 since May 13, 2024. Symbolically, the halal certificate was handed over by Hj. Siti Aminah, M.Pd.I., Head of the BPJPH Halal Registration and Certification Center to Diaz Faisal Malik Hendropriyono, B.Sc., M.P.A., M.B.A., M.A., Ph.D., as Commissioner of PT Katiga Ritel Strengindo on May 15, 2024 at the K3 Mart Distribution Center, Tangerang City.

Ir. Muti Arintawati M.Si, the President Director of LPPOM; Lieutenant Colonel Inf. (Tit.) Deodatus Andreas Deddy Cahyadi Sunjoyo, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D. (Deddy Corbuzier), Commissioner of PT Katiga Ritel Strengindo; and Member of the Halal Product Fatwa Committee, Verry Surya Hendrawan were also present to accompany the handover of the K3 Mart halal certificate.

Muti Arintawati said that halal certification is not just to fulfil regulations but is a form of business actors’ responsibility towards Muslim consumers in Indonesia who have the right to obtain halal products.

“I appreciate the board of commissioners, directors and the entire K3 Mart team who have worked hard and are committed to achieving halal certification, this is what K3 Mart needs to maintain. Hopefully K3 Mart can expand its market both in Indonesia and abroad and can bring goodness and provide blessings for everyone,” said Muti.

She said that halal certification is not the end of a process, but this is the initial process to prove that the halal certification obtained can be accounted for so that its halalness is maintained. Suppose there are additional menus and outlets that need to be registered. In that case, her party, as a partner of the Halal Inspection Body (LPH) of K3 Mart, is ready to cooperate and accompany to continue to maintain the halalness of K3 Mart products.

Meanwhile, Siti Aminah emphasized that K3 Mart should maintain the consistency obtained by retaining the halalness of all products produced and sold because this is a form of guarantee of halal products.

“The products sold at K3 Mart are not only products from abroad, but there are also products from UMK. This is a very good thing to advance local products. Congratulations on this achievement, hopefully in the future K3 Mart will be more successful and can expand its branches to other countries besides South Korea,” explained Aminah.

From the business actor’s side, Diaz Faisal Malik Hendropriyono, who also serves as Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, said that as Indonesian citizens, they need to follow the applicable regulations, one of which is by carrying out halal certification. “With good cooperation with all parties involved, the ideal of obtaining a halal certificate can be achieved,” he said. In addition, Deodatus Andreas Deddy Cahyadi Sunjoyo, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D., familiarly called Deddy Corbuzier, expressed his gratitude for the achievement of the halal certificate and thanked BPJPH and LPPOM for their cooperation in the halal certification process. Through halal certification, K3 Mart can meet the needs and satisfaction of customers in terms of product halalness.

“Indonesia is a country with a Muslim majority population and we appreciate Muslim consumers with the halal certificate so that they no longer need to be afraid when buying food and beverage products at K3 Mart. I am grateful and feel helped by the halal certificate, because Muslim consumers, including myself, are not worried about consuming products from abroad,” said Deddy.

Meanwhile, Verry Surya Hendrawan also said that the halal certificate achieved by K3 Mart was obtained from hard work and teamwork, starting from preparing documents for halal certification requirements to audit aspects carefully and thoroughly.

Now, shopping for food and beverage products at K3 Mart no longer needs to worry. Worry-free K-Pop lifestyle. You can also check out other halal retail stores through the website, the Halal MUI application that can be downloaded from Playstore, and the BPJPH website. (ZUL)

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