
MUI Central Java Is In the Middle of a Case of Pig Processed Stand at Hijab Fest Semarang

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  • MUI Central Java Is In the Middle of a Case of Pig Processed Stand at Hijab Fest Semarang

Chairman of MUI Central Java, KH. Ahmad Darodji asked that various parties fully understand the urgency of halal products. He does not want the mistakes in organizing the Hijab Fest Halal Food Culinary exhibition at Paragon Mall, some time ago to repeat itself.

Previously, the exhibition was excited on social media because it was found that the food vendor's stand was not halal (processed pork). Both organizers and vendors have apologised for the negligence of the non-kosher food stand. The apology statement was delivered at the Baiturrahman Mosque on October 6, 2020.

''We hope the organizers understand better. This is so that in the future there will be no repeat of similar problems. The organizers did it, not intentionally, but because of a lack of understanding,'' he said. KH Ahmad Darodji.

Acting Interim Mayor of Semarang, Tavip Supriyanto, stated that his party would encourage the discussion of the Raperda in the DPRD related to halal products in Semarang City. The man who was appointed as the Temporary Officer of the Mayor of Semarang for the second time also hoped that the relevant agencies in charge could organize halal products in the city of Semarang.

"Our DPRD friends please help prepare a Regional Report Card related to halal products, because after all, in Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, all products must be halal certified," he added.

Meanwhile, the organizers of the event expressed their gratitude for the central Java MUI initiative that brought together various parties related to the complaint. The organizers in charge of the event said they did not understand that the opening of the pork stand turned out to invite high sensitivity among the public.

"The reaction of the people will be our caution. In the future, we will not repeat it again," said Paragon Manager, Lie Jemmy. (*)

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