
Mandatory Halal, Here are 3 Steps LPPOM MUI Takes to Help Street Vendors

Wajib Halal, Ini 3 Langkah LPPOM MUI Bantu Pedagang Kaki Lima

Street vendors whose products must have halal certificates are included in the category. This provision is in accordance with the direction of BPJPH. Seeing the concerns of street vendors, LPPOM MUI has made a number of efforts to help street vendors obtain halal certification.

The Government, through the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH), is currently requiring mandatory halal certification regulations for all products circulating in Indonesia, except for products that are indeed prohibited. This is stated in Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH) and its derivatives, the latest of which is Act No. 6 of 2023. This applies to all business scales without exception, from micro to large businesses.

The nearest mandatory halal certification phase-out period will expire on October 17, 2024, this applies to food and beverage products. Unfortunately, not only the final food and beverage products but all materials involved must also be halal certified, such as raw materials, food additives, and auxiliary materials. In addition, slaughtering services and slaughtered products are also included in the halal certification obligations.

Meanwhile, business actors who do not implement these regulations will be subject to administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings, administrative fines, revocation of halal certificates, and/or withdrawal of goods from circulation. This is stated in Government Regulation No. 39 of 2021 Article 149. In terms of determining administrative fines, business actors can be subject to a maximum of IDR 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiah).

What about street vendors?

Street vendors, to be more specific, are traders who sell on the front porch (veranda) of a shop or the side of the road (on the sidewalk). Of course, various products are sold. In relation to the mandatory halal of October 17, 2024, street vendors related to this regulation are those who sell food and beverages.

In this case, LPPOM MUI has made various efforts that can directly or indirectly encourage the realization of halal certification for micro-business actors such as street vendors. First, have 34 representative offices. LPPOM MUI’s readiness is supported by the spread of 34 LPPOM MUI representative offices throughout the provinces in Indonesia. Of course, this spread makes it easier for street vendors to get their products halal-certified.

Second, certification of raw material producers. “LPPOM MUI’s efforts to certify downstream industries that produce raw materials/additional materials that are widely used by micro business actors, including street vendors, indirectly support UMK certification. The availability of raw halal materials will facilitate the certification process for micro business products,” explained the President Director of LPPOM MUI, Muti Arintawati.

Third, corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Another effort, LPPOM MUI always holds a CSR program called the Syawal Festival. The program, which has been routinely promoted for the past three years, is a concrete effort by LPPOM MUI to help the Government succeed in implementing the regulations proposed by the Government. In addition, this is also a form of LPPOM MUI’s concern for micro business actors in terms of regulatory compliance and providing added value to their products.

The forms of Syawal Festival activities vary, ranging from technical guidance and webinars to facilitating free halal certification or subsidies for micro and small business actors. This year, free halal certification facilitation through the Syawal Festival program will be held again, targeting micro-business actors in favorite tourist destinations. This is none other than to support the economic growth of the local community through halal tourism.

Not only that, during 2023, LPPOM MUI has collaborated on facilitating halal certification with more than 70 halal stakeholders, both banking, government agencies, BUMN, and the private sector, both at the national, provincial, and district/city levels spread throughout Indonesia. A total of 8,250 MSME actors have been facilitated with halal certification through LPPOM MUI. (YN)