
LPPOM Wins Another Award, This Time from ILA 2024

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Serah Terima Penganugerahan ILA 2024

LPPOM received an award from Indonesia Logistic Award (ILA) 2024 for a supporting institution category that was rated based on its popularity, innovation, and product/service benefits. LPPOM is considered capable of encouraging the accelerating logistics company to obtain the halal certification.

The Assessment Institute of Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (LPPOM) obtained an award from Indonesia Logistic Award (ILA) 2024 held by Supply Chain Indonesia, which is a research, consulting, and training institution. The award certificate was handed over by the Founder & CEO of Supply Chain Indonesia (SCI), Setijadi, to the Director of LPPOM Strategy and Operational, Sumunar Jati, on October 10th 2024 at Horrison Hotel, Jakarta. 

Setijadi, said that ILA is a prestigious national form of appreciation for individuals, companies and institutions that demonstrate superior achievements and performance and make important contributions to the development of national logistics. The examination process was carried out for approximately 3.5 months

“Based on the assessments of nine judges, it’s expected to give an objective on this award. We also hope this event can give benefits for us all, especially motivating the growth of the logistics sector in Indonesia,” Setijadi explained. 

In this award, LPPOM achieved a supporting institution category that was rated based on the popularity, innovation, and product/service benefits. LPPOM is considered capable of encouraging the accelerating logistics company to obtain the halal certification. With a halal certificate in logistics services will open up new markets, both national and global scale. 

Achieving an award from ILA 2024 became one of concrete evidence of LPPOM’s commitment to always provide the best service for every company, including the logistics services. It is shown by the faster it gets in the inspection process time based on Sihalal data on 16th September 2024, which is the 7 work days average (August 2024 data), compared to last year, which takes 18 work days (2023). 

Furthermore, the number of companies that are halal certified through the inspection of LPPOM reached 8.614 companies in the period of time from January to September 2024. Meanwhile, the data of a logistics company that is halal certified, a client of LPPOM from 2022 to September 2024, reached 620 companies. 

“Of course, it’s a great achievement. It’s aligned with the direction of the government, especially in realizing the Halal Mandatory October (WHO) implementation and Indonesia’s ambitions as the world center of halal,” Sumunar Jati explained. 

As we know, the government has enforced Law Number 33 the Year 2014 about Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH). This law said that every product that entered, circulated, and marketed in Indonesia must be halal certified, including the services sectorinHalal certificate for services is mentioned on the Goand vernment Law (PP) 39 Year 2021 on Article 135 includes the business services related to slaughtering, processing, packaging, distributing, selling, and serving. 

Meanwhile, what is meant by halal logistics is the process of handling the flow of materials or products through a supply chain that complies with halal standards, so that it is free from Najis that can contaminate halal materials/products. The scope of logistics includes storage and distribution. 

“Halal certification for logistics services can be a guarantee for halal products to remain halal during the storage and distributing process. With a halal certification on logistics, traceability of distribution channels, transportation, and storagecan be easily managed well by business actors,” Sumunar Jati explained. 

To ease the inspection service for logistics services, LPPOM opened up a discussion room through the Customer Care line on Call Center 14056 or by WhatsApp 0811-1148-696. Moreover, the business actor can also deepen the flow and halal certification process by joining

Introduction of Halal Certification (PSH) class that held routinely every week (YN)

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