
LPPOM Realizing Safe and Halal Cosmetics Through Laboratory Testing

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LPPOM Wujudkan Kosmetik yang Aman dan Halal melalui Pengujian Laboratorium

To help the cosmetic industry comply with Indonesian regulations, LPPOM MUI Laboratory opened various testing services that focus on halal and safe aspects.

The government has to enforce Government Law (PP) Number 39 in 2021 regarding a second phasing that must be halal certified, including the type of cosmetic products that have been used and utilized by the people. There is also a must-halal phasing cosmetic that will start on 17 October 2026.

Main Director of The Assessment Institute of Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (LPPOM), Ir. Muti Arintawati M.Si., explained this matter in a seminar with the theme “Beauty Under Control Mastering Halal, Stability Test and BPOM Approvals” that was held by LPPOM on 28th August 2024 in Raindeer Coffee & Kitchen Bogor.

“Cosmetics that have been used not only are safe for the outer but also the inner. This has caused cosmetic products to be obligated by the government, whether to fulfill the regulation from a halal view or even to be safe. LPPOM always supports government programs related to the safety of cosmetics and is ready to serve the testing needs of businesspeople through our laboratory,” said Muti.

As a Halal Inspection Body (LPH), LPPOM keeps increasing its services. Now, through the Laboratory of LPPOM MUI, cosmetic companies can do testing relating to halal and various testing from the side of the product’s safety for the industry’s needs in fulfilling regulation, whether from a halal side or the safety side. The laboratory has become an industry door in fulfilling regulations in Indonesia, including from the Food and Drug Supervisory Body (BPOM).

Halal Partnership and Audit Services Director of LPPOM, Dr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si, said that to ensure halal cosmetics, there is a need for an inspection or audit to ensure the material comes from a pure source and is not contaminated with Najis throughout the handling process. 

“Cosmetic products are not the only thing that has to be halal certified; stores or retailers that sell cosmetics also must have a halal certification. Not only that, the logistic service that facilitated the storage and distribution of cosmetic products also got the obligation to have a halal certification,” said Muslich.

Meanwhile, the Pharmacy and Food Supervisor and associate Expert at the Directorate of Registration of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements and Cosmetics, BPOM RI, Ideasanti, S.Si, Apt, conveyed that cosmetic specifications must fulfill the control of contamination, purity of ingredients, safety, and quality. This is how it is listed in the constitution related to material and cosmetic contamination.

Based on the constitution of BPOM No. 12, 2019, about contamination in cosmetics, businesspeople must guarantee that the cosmetics they are producing and something that steps into the cosmetics accidentally and can not be avoided that came from the processing process, storage, and/or carried from the microbe contaminated raw material, heavy metal, and chemicals.

“A supporting cosmetic claims data that are comprehensive in the form of a complete report that contained the benefits evaluation of the product and/or literature review about the beneficial claim of a material or a report of the testing products,” Dea explained.

In the same opportunity, CPKB Certification Assistant Expert, Directorate General of IKMA Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), Apt., Anita Hidayati, S.Si., explained the cosmetic product stability that functions as the ability of the cosmetic product to maintain its physicochemical and microbiological properties within the specified limits, from time to time and in various storage and usage conditions. 

Their side emphasizes that there are at least three purposes for this stability: the first is the effort to set the expiration date in product storage. The second is to know and determine the suitable storage condition for the products to be new or modified, fulfilling quality standards and chemical and microbiological intended. The third is functionality and aesthetics during storage in a suitable condition. This was done to fulfill the specifications set in an effort to fulfill the quality standards. 

“Stability cosmetics products include physical testing and chemical integrity, color, smells, pH, viscosity, texture, emulsion stability flow, or a sign of separation. After that, microbiological stability tests Total Plate Number (ALT), fungi, and mold. Lastly, packaging stability testing to evaluate the effect of the packaging material on the product,” Anita explained.

To support halal and safe cosmetics products, LPPOM has an accreditation SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for laboratories from the Accreditation National Committee (KAN). This is a commitment to providing a prime and professional laboratory service.

LPPOM MUI Laboratory is the first and the only laboratory in Indonesia that offers a one roof testing related to halal and vegan. LPPOM MUI Laboratory has various services such as halal testing, food safety, and contamination testing, such as diethylene glycol and propylene glycol for pharmaceuticals, as well as ethylene oxide for food and also 1,4-dioxane testing for cosmetics. For further information, you can check out this link: For now, LPPOM always pushes the efforts of the government to realize halal and safety awareness in every way, starting with giving education to businesspeople until students and college students. LPPOM also provides a platform through the website that could easily accessed by businesspeople nor people to check the products that already have a halal certification and education around halal. (ZUL)