
LPPOM Present at Halal Fair 2024 Supporting the Development of the Halal Product Industry 

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  • LPPOM Present at Halal Fair 2024 Supporting the Development of the Halal Product Industry 
LPPOM Hadir di Halal Fair 2024 Dukung Perkembangan Industri Produk Hala

LPH LPPOM once again plays an important role in supporting the development of the halal product industry in Indonesia. This year, LPH LPPOM is present at the Halal Fair 2024 event. LPH LPPOM’s participation in this event is part of its commitment to broaden its understanding regarding halal in various industrial sectors in Indonesia, including the process of obtaining a BPJPH halal certificate. 

The Halal Inspection Body (LPH) of The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPPOM) is also present at the Halal Fair 2024, an event held to introduce and promote halal products, as well as being a forum for halal industry players to exchange information and collaborate. This event will take place in Hall 1-2 ICE BSD Tangerang on December 6-8, 2024. 

This time, LPPOM is present at the exhibition to open a consultation room regarding halal certification or laboratory testing. A total of 150 exhibitors of superior halal products also enlivened this event. Visitors can explore the taste of various culinary choices, listen to a series of talk shows and business seminars, parenting & education talks, sharing muamallah and attractive prizes, one of which is getting an umrah prize. Visitors also have the opportunity to get special promos from brands that attend this activity. 

On this occasion, LPPOM appealed to business actors to immediately take care of halal certification. This is a form of fulfilment of the latest regulation of Government Regulation (PP) No. 42 of 2024 concerning Halal Product Assurance (JPH). Based on the JPH regulation, three groups of products must be halal certified at the end of the first stage. First, food and beverage products. Second, raw materials, food additives, and auxiliary materials for food and beverage products. Third, slaughtered products and slaughtering services. 

Currently, LPPOM continues to encourage government efforts to realize the obligation of halal in various efforts, starting from educating business actors to a number of programs to facilitate business actors in carrying out halal certification, including providing free, fast and easy halal certification facilities, including providing free consultation facilities and education as carried out in activities at the 2024 Halal Fair. 

The Project Director of PT. Wahyu Promo Citra, Satrio Sukur explained that the 2024 Halal Fair this time is the peak event of a series of events that have been held in Jakarta and Yogyakarta, so this event emphasizes the festival nuance that provides an end-of-year holiday atmosphere. 

“Not only that, this event is a very big event, because there is the Halal Indonesia International Trade Show (HIITS) as a forum for networking Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that have been halal certified to the global market. A number of countries such as Egypt, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Australia and Tunisia are ready to become collaboration and promotion partners for halal business actors in Indonesia,” said Satrio. 

Meanwhile, the Head of the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH), Haikal Hasan, appreciated the implementation of the 2024 Halal Fair, which has been consistently held by PT. Wahyu Promo Citra since 2019. He hopes that the Halal Fair will encourage halal business actors to be fully aware of taking care of halal certification. 

“Consumer awareness of the interest in halal products is increasing. So indeed halal certification has become a necessity, because it can provide a sense of security for the community as consumers of products, while also providing convenience for business actors as producers in producing quality products. In addition, halal certification also makes it easier for business actors if they want to expand their products to the global market,” said Haikal. 

The Halal Fair’s mission to encourage the realization of Indonesia as the world’s halal centre is an important concern. Therefore, this year’s event, the Halal Fair is targeting both retail and business segments. “The Halal Fair can be a forum to strengthen the halal business ecosystem and an integrated halal lifestyle, starting from families and communities to a wider scope, namely abroad,” explained Satrio. 

For business people who want to start expanding to the Malaysian and Australian export markets, he also mentioned that there are a number of interesting talk show programs directly from professional and experienced practitioners. This is done to share experiences and provide connections with business partner networks directly. 

The culinary business sector is one of the visitors’ favourites; therefore, at this event, visitors can enjoy the excitement of culinary at the Halal Culinary Festival, which presents Heru Master Chef Indonesia. In the Chef’s Table Experience, visitors can interact directly while enjoying food and interacting with the chefs. 

In the afternoon session, LPPOM Corporate Secretary Manager, Raafqi Ranasasmita also participated in cooking halal Palembang pastels and mushroom milk with chef Heru and Mohammad Kautsar Hikmat, better known as Uki Noah. The three of them enjoyed the process of cooking the food and, at the same time, had a warm discussion about halal certification in Indonesia, starting from the process, costs and benefits of halal certification. At the end of the event, participants were able to taste the cooking results and the participants enthusiastically gave a good response. 

Halal Fair also presents a series of Islamic studies that are creatively packaged in a seminar concept that combines narrative, visualization and multimedia such as short films and tilawah. Visitors who bring their families also need not worry because there is also a Halal Play Park that is specially designed for children up to 12 years old. They can enjoy various game zones that are full of exciting and educational adventures. 

Also present are a number of public figures in the series of event programs including Ricky Harun, Herfiza, Dini Aminarti, Uki Kautsar, Cut Intan, and Nadzira Shafa Aska. A total of 12 Asatidz are also ready to provide sharing with various themes, ranging from family, muamallah to business. 

LPPOM always opens a discussion space for every business actor whose products have not been halal certified through the Customer Care service at Call Center 14056 or WhatsApp 0811-1148-696. In addition, business actors can also learn more about the flow and process of halal certification by attending the Introduction to Halal Certification (PSH) class, which is held routinely every week LPPOM also has an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory for halal and vegan testing. Further information regarding LPPOM MUI Laboratory testing services can be accessed on the website 

For LPPOM Friends who have food and beverage products that do not yet have halal certification, let’s immediately register your product and choose LPH LPPOM to carry out halal inspections to meet the regulations set by the government. You can also check the list of culinary products that have been halal certified through the website, the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded on the Playstore, and the BPJPH website. (ZUL)