
LPPOM MUI DIY Holds Scientific Writing Competition

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  • LPPOM MUI DIY Holds Scientific Writing Competition

The Assessment Institute for Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI), Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) held a Halal Scientific Writing Competition for Cosmetics and Medicines (LKTI Halal PATIKA) 2020 and the Jogja Halal Vlog 2020 competition with the theme “The Role of Millennial Generation in Living the Halal Lifestyle”.

The grand final session of LKTI Halal PATIKA was held on September 19, 2020 virtually. This was conducted out with the announcement of the winner of the Jogja Halal Vlog 2020. The activity is an annual agenda held by LPPOM MUI DIY as a form of communication, information, and accountability to the public regarding the performance of LPPOM MUI DIY.

The Director of LPPOM MUI DIY, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tridjoko Wisnu Murti, DEA explained that LKTI Halal PATIKA and Jogja Halal Vlog aimed to create and encourage young people to know and love halal products more so they can develop potential in society to create new innovations by utilizing the information and technology era (industrial revolution 4.0). (*)

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