
LPPOM Clarified The Viral Halal Products Name With “Wine” and “Beer”

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  • LPPOM Clarified The Viral Halal Products Name With “Wine” and “Beer”

This week, social media is busy reporting about food and beverage products named “tuyul”, “tuak”, “beer,” and “wine” that got halal certified. Which is not in accordance with the Indonesia Council of Ulama (MUI) fatwa decision Number 44 Year 2020 about the Using Name, Shape and Product Packaging that Can Not be halal certified. On the pers release (01/10/2024), BPJPH emphasized two things.

First, this issue is related with the product naming, and not about the halal of the product. That means, the public don’t have to doubt that the product that has been halal certified must be halal guaranteed. Because it’s already through the halal certification process and got the halal decision from MUI Fatwa Commission or Halal Products Fatwa Committee that accordance with the applied mechanism.

Second, it’s about the data, BPJPH declared that there are 32 products with the keywords “wine” and “beer” that taken from from Sihalal that checked by Halal Inspection Body (LPH) The Assessment Institute of Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (LPPOM). With that statement, LPPOM done the internal search with these results:

LPPOM database shows there are 25 products names with the keyword “wine”. It’s all a cosmetic product with the use of “wine” word that are associated with color (not in taste sensors or aroma). According to MUI Fatwa Commission, the use of the word “wine” that refers to the type of color “wine” for the non-food product is permitted. 

Products with the name “beer” only for the traditional beverage products that are not khamr which is bir pletok. This things also permitted by MUI Fatwa Commission with the consideration that the product is already long known in public as a non-khamr traditional beverage. 

We did a deeper search about three products with the name “beer” that done the inspection through the LPPOM LPH.

The product name Beer Strudel with the SH BPJPH Number ID32110000651650922 that was released on 27 October 2022 with “Meylia Kharisma Puspita” Business Actor. Based on the Province West Java Halal MUI decision No. LPPOM-01201281591022.

The Halal Provisions (KH) that posted to Sihalal showed there is no Beer Strudel name, only a Beef Strudel. In parallel, a name change application is submitted in BPJPH SH in accordance with the KH that applied, which changed from Beer Strudel into Beef Strudel.

Beer Stroganoff, BPJPH SH No. ID34220000185660321 published on 26 April 2021 with “Salsa Catering” Business Actor based on teh DI Yogyakarta Halal MUI Decision No.12340002010421.

The Halal Decision (KH) that was posted to Sihalal showed there is no product under the name Beer Stroganoff, there is only the name Beef Stroganoff. 

In parallel, a name change application is submitted in accordance with the KH that applied, which changed from Beer Stroganoff into Beef Stroganoff.

Ginger Beer, BPJPH SH No. ID52320000072060221 published on 16 March 2021 with the “PT Metro Lombok Asri (Hotel Santika Mataram)” Business Actor based on the NTB Province Halal MUI No. B-45/DP.P-XXVIII/III/2021

The Halal Decision that posted to Sihalal is correctly shows the name of Ginger Beer. After doing the research to the businesspeople, it can be confirmed there are no haram ingredients in the product. And it’s also not associated with “beer”.

The company is willing to change the name of the menu from Ginger Beer to Fresh Ginger Breeze. It is proved with the name changing application letter that was submitted by the businesspeople to BPJPH and the name changing to KH. 

Halal Inspection Process that done by LPPOM LPH never passed a product with the name tuyul and tuak. 

LPPOM LPH is committed to do the improvement in services to produce guaranteed and reliable halal products. We hope that all of the parties that involved doesn’t spread any uncertainty issues. LPPOM always accepts any form of suggestions and input for the betterment of Halal Indonesia Certification services in the future. (***)