
KNEKS: LPPOM MUI Initiates Muslim-Friendly Culinary Area in Labuan Bajo

KNEKS: LPPOM MUI Inisiasi Kawasan Kuliner Ramah Muslim di Labuan Bajo

KNEKS inaugurated the Muslim-Friendly Culinary Area in Kampung Ujung, Labuan Bajo. This was conveyed by the Acting Executive Director of the National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS), Dr. Taufik Hidayat, M.Ec., at the LPPOM 1445 H Syawal Festival on May 8, 2024.

“Today is a new history for the development of the Halal Industry in Indonesia. For the first time, a Halal and Safe and Healthy Culinary Area was inaugurated in Nusa Tenggara, especially East Nusa Tenggara, namely Kampung Ujung. In this regard, I express my highest appreciation to LPPOM for initiating and facilitating halal certification in the area,” said Taufik Hidayat.

He also expressed his gratitude for the good cooperation with the Manpower, Transmigration, Cooperatives and UMKM Office of West Manggarai Regency as the person in charge of the Kampung Ujung Area and has assisted UMKM in making NIB; the West Manggarai Health Office which has conducted Safe and Healthy checks; and other related OPDs that have synergized and worked extraordinarily. Thanks to good collaboration, the Muslim-Friendly Culinary Area has met the requirements of the KHAS Zone (Culinary, Halal, Safe, and Healthy).

Based on the SGIE Report, Indonesian halal food products are also reported to be ranked second in the world. This is in line with the number of Muslim residents in Indonesia, which is the country with the largest number of Muslims. But of course, we cannot be complacent because our goal is to become the World’s Leading Halal Producer, and through the KHAS Zone, we can jointly support this ideal. The KHAS Zone is proof that if we all synergize, then concrete things that are beneficial to the wider community can be achieved together.

“We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to LPPOM for contributing to efforts to improve the halal industry sector, while also improving the local economy, one of which is through the implementation of a series of activities for the 1445 H Syawal Festival in NTT,” As part of a joint effort, he appealed to all parties to continue to support and fight for good things like this. Thus, we not only raise the values ​​of justice and sustainability in the economy but also ensure a real contribution to inclusive, fair, and sustainable economic growth for Indonesia.