
Islamic Parenting Advice: The Role and Responsibilities of Fathers in Islam

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Tausiyah Parenting Islami: Peran dan Tanggung Jawab Ayah dalam Islam

Being a father in Islam is not only about fulfilling material needs but also being responsible for educating children about Islamic values. What is the concrete form?

A father must be a role model in worship, morals, and love for the Qur’an, because children will imitate the habits they see. By carrying out this role with full awareness and responsibility, a father builds a harmonious family and contributes to producing a generation of pious and noble Muslims. Dr. Syamsul Bahri, M.A, a speaker and Lecturer at Ibn Khaldun University Bogor, emphasized the importance of knowledge and mental readiness before carrying out this mandate.

In family life, a father has a massive role as a leader, protector, and educator for his children. However, not all married men can carry out this mandate well. In the Islamic parenting sermon, Ust. Dr. Samsul Basri reminded us that a father’s responsibility must be based on obligation and the heart’s calling, reflecting concern and honesty in carrying out his role.

Allah SWT has emphasized in His word, QS Al-Ahzab verse 72: “Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they ‘all’ declined to bear it, being fearful of it. But humanity assumed it, ‘for’ they are truly wrongful ‘to themselves’ and ignorant of the consequences.”

In this verse, Allah SWT explains that a significant mandate has been offered to the heavens, the earth, and the mountains, but they refused because they feared they would be unable to carry it out. However, humans accept the mandate even though they are often negligent in carrying it out. This mandate is not only in the form of religious obligations but also includes all responsibilities given to a person, including the mandate as a father.

Being a father is about providing a living and educating and guiding his children to grow into pious and pious individuals. This cannot be done without knowledge and mental readiness.

Nowadays, many want to get married immediately without realizing that being a husband and father requires thorough preparation. Ust. Dr. Samsul Basri emphasized that those who rush into marriage without preparation can fall into injustice towards themselves and their families.

As stated in Islam, “Al ‘Ilmu Qoblal Qouli Wal ‘Amali” means that knowledge must precede words and deeds. A father must first understand his role before actually carrying it out. By understanding his role and responsibilities, he will be better prepared to face the challenges of educating his children according to Islamic teachings.

Imam Al-Ghazali once said, “Educate your child 25 years before he is born.” The meaning of this advice is that a prospective father must educate himself first before educating his children. If a father wants a pious and devout child, he must try to be a person close to Allah and practice the teachings of Islam well.

Education is not just about teaching knowledge but also imparting values ​​that will be passed on from generation to generation. Children learn from the habits and examples they see in everyday life.

Ust. Dr. Samsul Basri emphasized that if a father wants offspring close to the Qur’an, he must get used to reading and practising the Qur’an. If a father wants his children to love the mosque, he must set an example by going to the mosque often. Children who see their fathers diligently praying, reading the Qur’an, and having good morals will naturally imitate these habits.

Islamic education in the family is a lifelong process. Therefore, educating children to grow into individuals with noble morals must start with oneself. A responsible father understands that educating children is not only the mother’s job, but also part of the mandate he must carry out.

Being a father is not just a social role, but a great mandate that must be accounted for in this world and the hereafter. Ust. Dr. Samsul Basri emphasized that every father must understand his role and responsibilities according to Islamic teachings. The best education for children begins with the example parents give, especially the father as the family leader.

Therefore, it is never too late to start improving yourself and learning to be a better father. Every small step in educating yourself will significantly impact the future of your family and the next generation. As the saying goes, “The sooner the better, it’s never too late.” (ZUL)