
Introducing Halal Lab, LPPOM MUI Holds Mini Workshop

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Kenalkan Lab Halal, LPPOM MUI Adakan Mini Workshop

LPPOM MUI has a laboratory specifically designated to test the halalness of a product. To introduce the function of the laboratory in product halalness, LPPOM MUI held a mini-workshop for journalists, halal influencers, and communities.

Laboratory testing is essential in supporting a product’s halal examination process. The President Director of LPPOM MUI, Muti Arintawati, conveyed this at the Media Gathering event held on January 18, 2024, at the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) Building, Jakarta.

There are three principles applied to halal certification. First, ensuring that all materials used in the production process are halal. Second, ensuring that there is no contamination of haram materials to the product, either from production equipment, workers or the production environment. Third, halal production must be ensured to run continuously.

“However, not all products require laboratory analysis. Products that need to undergo laboratory tests include animal products/potentially contaminated with pork, alcohol content for certain products, and water penetration tests for products such as election ink and certain cosmetics,” explained Muti Arintawati.

In this media gathering event, LPPOM MUI introduced the LPPOM MUI laboratory by providing journalists with a direct laboratory testing experience in the form of a mini-workshop on DNA or pork protein testing and animal skin pattern testing on consumer goods. In addition to these two tests, the LPPOM MUI laboratory provides ethanol testing services, vegan testing, water penetration testing, and so on. All of these services can be accessed at the link: The entire laboratory testing process can be accessed through one door through the Oligo-LS online service.

This mini-workshop, which is intended for journalists, halal influencers, and communities, was made possible thanks to the good cooperation between LPPOM MUI and PT Biogen Scientific, a company that provides various types of laboratory testing equipment. The Leica brand stereo microscope equipment distributed by PT Biogen Scientific can examine the origin of animal skin for consumer goods. This is supported by image sharpness, ease of operation, and good tool quality.

“Even though it has reached a mature age, LPPOM MUI is never complacent. LPPOM MUI continues to improve various efforts, services, and programs in order to provide the best service for companies and the Muslim community in the world, especially Indonesia,” said Muti Arintawati.

Until now, LPPOM MUI has had 1,001 auditors spread throughout Indonesia. All LPPOM MUI auditors receive massive training and education to continue to improve their competence.

Meanwhile, LPPOM MUI has opened representative offices across 34 provinces in Indonesia to provide easy and fast halal certification inspection services. LPPOM MUI has four representative offices abroad (1 in China, 1 in Taiwan, and 2 in Korea) to penetrate the global market. In addition, LPPOM MUI also has an online certification system, namely CEROL-SS23000, to make it easier for clients to access the entire halal inspection/testing process for their products.

LPPOM MUI is open to every business actor who wants to carry out halal certification. You can start your steps by attending the Introduction to Halal Certification (PSH) held weekly by LPPOM MUI. Register yourself immediately at the link:

You can choose LPPOM MUI as the Halal Inspection Body (LPH) for your product’s halal certification. Discuss all your needs with our team, who are always ready to serve you. Contact our team at the link: (YN)