
In Shenzhen, China, LPPOM Clarify the Urgency of Pharmacy Halal Accreditation

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  • In Shenzhen, China, LPPOM Clarify the Urgency of Pharmacy Halal Accreditation
Di Shezhen China, LPPOM Jelaskan Urgensi Sertifikasi Halal Farmasi

LPPOM has underscored the importance of the regulation of halal certification and the critical point of pharmacy products and medicines to Shenzhen, China, businesspeople. This matter is considered an essential step for fulfilling the regulations for the pharmacy companies that buy and sell their products in Indonesia. A better understanding of related with the rules enables fast, easy, and affordable halal accreditation.

Indonesia is applying for a must-halal certification for all kinds of products that have been entered, circulated, and marketed in Indonesia. This matter is listed in Constitution Number 33, Year 2014, about the Law on Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH) and its derivatives. The newest one is Constitution Number 6, Year 2023.

The Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH), Ministry of Religion, holds JPH’s authority. The Assessment Institute of Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (LPPOM) role as Halal Inspection Body (LPH) is responsible for halal testing. As for the halal certification, the fatwa decision is issued by the Fatwa Commission Indonesian Council of Ulama (KF MUI) based on the result of the audit testing from LPH. 

Halal Partnership and Audit Services Director of LPPOM, Dr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si., conveyed this matter in the seminar with the theme “Opportunities and Challenges in ASEAN Pharmaceutical Market” on 11th September 2024 in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center (SZCEC), China. This agenda is a collaboration between LPPOM and Informa Markets.

“In the implementation, the Indonesian government applied the must-halal stages. Specifically for the medicines/pharmacy products, the grace period of the must-halal stages will end on 17th October 2026. That means, at that time, all of the medicines products that circulated in Indonesia must be halal certified,” said Muslich. 

The duty of medicines products consists of some stages. The stages of must-halal certification for the medicines industry started with the traditional medicines industry (jamu), and supplements were also included in the engineering genetics (GMO) by 2026.  

Lastly, 2034 is the final limit on the liability of medicines that are halal certified, namely for the hard drug product group (except psychotropic). The scope of the must-halal certification includes drug-related services, such as manufacturing fees, logistics, and retailer (sales) services.

Regarding the production process, Muslich emphasizes that raw materials, auxiliary materials, and other materials must come from a pure source, not be contaminated with Najis, and be handled in accordance with Islamic Syariah. This matter was proved during the ongoing audit.

“if the halal certification criteria for medicines are fulfilled, the fatwa in the form of the halal provision will be published. Whereas, if it does not fulfil the criteria but there is supporting data, such as there is a need urgent condition (hajah syar’iyyah) or a syar’i emergency condition (dharurah syar’iyyah), therefore the fatwa for the use will be published,” said Muslich.

LPPOM will open a discussion room for every business person whose products have not been halal certified through this Customer Care Service on Call Center 14056 or by WhatsApp 0811-1148-696. Business people can also deepen the flow and process of halal certification by joining the Halal Certification Introduction (PSH) class that is held routinely every week at    

From the consumer side, LPPOM provides a platform for Halal Product Searching that can be accessed through the website or the Halal MUI app that you can download from the Google Playstore and also the BPJPH website. This will make it easier for consumers and businesses to look for a halal product reference easily, fast, and free. 

Moreover, LPPOM has a laboratory-accredited ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for halal and vegan testing. More information related to LPPOM MUI Laboratory testing services can be found on the website:  

Hundreds participant of business people attend Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center (SZCEC) up to professionals, such as pharmacists, researchers, lecturers, college students, and developers from all around the globe. Participants were enthusiastic about conducting questions and answers and consulting with LPPOM regarding halal certification issues, especially medicinal/pharmaceutical products. (ZUL)