An easy way to recognize halal products is to look at the halal logo on the packaging. The halal logo on the packaging signifies that the product has gone through various stages of the halal certification process with strict standards.

Various regulations have regulated the product spreading in Indonesia. Various authorized government agencies have also carried out supervision. One of these regulations is contained in Government Regulation (Permen) No. 69 of 1999 concerning Food Labels and Advertising. 

Article 10 of the Government Regulation states that every person who produces or imports packaged food into the territory of Indonesia to be traded and declares that the food is halal for Muslims is responsible for the truth of the statement and is obliged to include halal information or writing on the label. 

Supporting the truth of the halal statement, Article 11 states that every person who produces or imports packaged food into the territory of Indonesia for trade must first check the food at an accredited inspection agency following the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. 

LPH LPPOM MUI exists to answer the need for these regulations. LPPOM MUI was the first Halal Certification Body (LSH) that has been accredited with SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012 from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN)

Also, LPH LPPOM MUI has been recognized by an overseas halal certification body, the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA), in UAE standard 2055:2-2016

(Also Read: Registered at BPOM, is it uncertainly halal?) 

“The halal-certification process cannot be equated with the licensing process. This is because it is not only document fulfillment in the halal certification process, but there is an audit process in it in the form of an audit,” explained the Executive Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Sc. 

The audit results will later become the basis for determining a fatwa by the MUI Fatwa Commission to issue a halal decree. Furthermore, the halal stipulation will later become the basis for issuing halal product certificates by the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH). 

“In short, a product with a halal logo on its packaging can be guaranteed halal since the product has gone through a series of halal certification processes with strict standards,” said Muti emphasizing. 

However, he continued, some unscrupulous producers or sellers may commit fraud or forgery. To avoid this, it would be nice if consumers were savvy in choosing products. 

The easiest thing that consumers can do is check the validity of the logo listed on the packaging. LPH LPPOM MUI provides halal product checking services through or the HalalMUI mobile application on Playstore. Therefore, consumers can check the halalness of the product whenever and wherever they are. (YN)  

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