
Holding a Gathering, LPPOM Throughout Indonesia Prepares to Face the Challenges

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Selenggarakan Gathering, LPPOM Seluruh Indonesia Bersiap Hadapi Tantangan

To further strengthen the spirit and establish goals, the Halal Inspection Body (LPH) LPPOM held a gathering with all Provincial LPPOMs in Indonesia. This is expected to be a step to strengthen LPH LPPOM in facing various challenges of BPJPH halal certification so that it is easy, fast, and affordable.

Halal Inspection Body (LPH) of The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM) held a “Gathering of PIC Admin and Reviewer LPPOM Throughout Indonesia” to strengthen ties and build a spirit of togetherness between all PIC Admin and Reviewer teams from each LPPOM representative spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia. This event was held on November 5-7, 2024 at the Global Halal Center Building, Bogor.

The President Director of LPPOM, Ir. Muti Arintawati M.Si said this was done to strengthen the relationship and internal spirit of LPPOM throughout Indonesia in facing the challenges of existing regulations. As is known, Indonesia has implemented the latest regulations regarding halal certification as stated in the provisions of Government Regulation (PP) Number 42 of 2024 Article 160 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Assurance (JPH) Sector.

“Through this activity, in the future, we hope that all provinces will be able to unite so that we can overcome all obstacles and even the toughest challenges. That way, LPPOM will become a strong and solid Halal Inspection Body (LPH) and continue to provide benefits to the community,” said Muti.

She said that the basis for strengthening LPPOM at the center and in the regions is the common goal of improving LPPOM. So, LPPOM can become an LPH ready to support Regulation the Mandatory Halal October (WHO) 2024, which the government has set.

Meanwhile, the Director of Strategy and Operations of LPPOM, Ir. Sumunar Jati, M.P, said that LPPOM is aware of the challenges in implementing the Mandatory Halal October (WHO) 2024; it is necessary to strengthen internal teams, both at the head office and in the regions, so that they can synergize and collaborate well.

This gathering can be a helpful activity. In addition to being a refreshment event, this event is also filled with an event to share knowledge and experiences. Hopefully, with this gathering, what is obtained at this event can be helpful to improve our performance in serving business actors,” said Jati.

This gathering is an effort to strengthen the spirit of the entire LPPOM internal team, so it is expected to be a place to build enthusiasm for carrying out the halal certification process to support the government in WHO 2024. That way, companies can carry out halal certification quickly, easily and accurately without worrying about experiencing difficulties in every process.

LPPOM has representative offices in 34 provinces throughout Indonesia to facilitate checking the halalness of products in all regions of Indonesia, especially for the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector. In addition, LPPOM also has a series of competency improvement programs for more than 1,000 auditors spread throughout Indonesia.

LPPOM continues to encourage government efforts to realize mandatory halal in various ways, including providing education for business actors. This certainly makes it easier for business actors to certify their products halal. LPPOM also provides a platform through the website, which is easily accessible by business actors and the public to check products that already have halal certificates and education about halal.

Business actors who have products and have yet to be registered for certification can register by selecting LPH LPPOM to conduct halal inspections to comply with the regulations set by the government. We can be contacted through the Customer Care service at Call Center 14056 or WhatsApp 0811-1148-696. In addition, business actors can also explore the flow and process of halal certification by attending the Introduction to Halal Certification (PSH) class, which is held routinely every week LPPOM also offers various lab testing services, including food safety and vegan claims. (ZUL)