
Hold a Special Coordination Meeting, LPPOM Strengthen The InternalTo Encourage The Realizing WHO 2024 Implementation

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Gelar Rakorsus, LPPOM Perkuat Internal Guna Mendorong Terwujudnya Implementasi WHO 2024

Approaching the final stage deadline of Obligatory Halal October (WHO), which will start later on 17 October 2024. The Assessment Institute of Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (LPPOM) has done a lot of things to encourage the WHO regulation implementation, one of which is to strengthen the LPPOM representative offices that are spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia through holding special coordination meetings (rakorsus). This is done to encourage the halal certification process which is easy and fast by the BPJPH standard.

LPPOM is facing huge challenges right now, which is the readiness of LPPOM to encourage realizing the implementation of WHO 2024. This matter was conveyed by the President Director of LPPOM, Muti Arintawati, in the LPPOM Special Coordination Meeting with the theme “Build Excellence Together For The LPPOM Sustainability in Competition Era” that was held on 27-28 September 2024 at Hotel Santika Bogor.

This is done to combine LPPOM’s purpose and strategy to strengthen the internal synergy of the whole LPPOM in Indonesia in facing the regulation challenges. As we already know, Indonesia applies the must-halal certified regulation listed in the Constitution Number 33 Year 2014 about Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH) and its derivatives.

“Even though the challenges are tough and the results can’t be seen immediately if it’s guarded and treated well, the results are LPPOM will be a sturdy Halal Inspection Body (LPH) and produce great benefits for every party,” Muti explained.

She said that there are basic values that underlie strengthening LPPOM, both central and regional, namely trust, equality, collaboration, togetherness, and communication. So, with these values, LPPOM can be an LPH that is ready to support the WHO 2024 regulation proclaimed by the government.

LPPOM had a representative office in 34 provinces in Indonesia to facilitate the halal inspection process across the Indonesia region, especially for small and medium businesses (UKM). Other than that, LPPOM has several programs to increase the competence of more than 1.000 auditors around Indonesia. This rakorsus became a new step for LPPOM to keep uttering various efforts in halal certification process to support the government in WHO 2024. Therefore, companies can do a fast, easy, and accurate halal certification. So, consumers, especially Muslims, can receive more halal product alternatives for everyday consumption.

LPPOM opens discussion room for every businesspeople which products still not done the halal certification through the Customer Care services on Call Center 14056 or by WhatsApp 0811-1148-696. Other than that, businesspeople can also deepen the flow and process of halal certification by joining the Introduction of Halal Certification (PSH) class that is held routinely every week:

Right now, LPPOM keeps encouraging the government’s effort to make halal obligatory in every way, one of which is to give an education to businesspeople. This, of course, facilitates businesspeople in halal certificating its products. LPPOM also provides a platform through the website which is easily accessed by businesspeople and the public to be able to check products that have halal certificates and provide education about halal. (ZUL)