
Have a Halal Certificate, And Here Is The Potential Benefits Raw Material Industry

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  • Have a Halal Certificate, And Here Is The Potential Benefits Raw Material Industry
Miliki Sertifikat Halal, Inilah Potensi Keuntungan Industri Bahan Baku

Halal certificates play a massive part in the raw material industry nowadays, considering the increase in global demand for halal products. With a halal certificate, a new market opportunity will open widely, and every benefit will come before your eyes. Businesspeople are demanding a fast and easy halal certification.

The raw material industry holds a vital role in the supply chain, especially in meeting the needs of halal products. Raw materials are primary materials for various final products, particularly those in the food and beverage industry. Related to that, the government has established a regulation requiring halal certification for every food and beverage raw material product circulated in Indonesia. 

The head of Registration and  Halal Certification Center for the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH), Dr. H. Mamat Salamet Burhanudin, M.Ag., said that the government has enforced the Constitution Number 33 Year 2014 about the Law on Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH). This obligation states that products entered, circulated, and marketed in the Indonesia region must have a halal certification.

“In this regulation, what is meant for products are goods or services related to food and beverage. This category must be halal certified with the nearest phasing period at the latest on October 17th, 2024,” said Mamat.

In his opinion, progress related to the demand and request for halal products worldwide has been a trend that keeps increasing, especially the demand for food specifically for Muslims, which is halal foods from various countries, both with the Muslim majority and minority.

The presence of halal certification can make a product more attractive to society and be a plus point as people choose food and beverages for daily consumption. A halal certificate can be a strategic asset that can help a company develop and expand its business, especially in a market with a high demand for halal products.

Various potential benefits can be perceived in the raw material industry. One of them is opening wider market access, especially in countries with a Muslim majority, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Middle East. This can also help enter countries with a non-Muslim majority but with a demand for halal products.

“With the increasing Muslim awareness of consuming halal products, the more it gets for a halal products demand. It can increase the demand and sale of products,” said Mamat.

His side also explained that a halal certificate can be a differentiator to competitors in the market, giving a competitive advantage. Halal certificates can push a market strategy and provide trust and loyalty towards a higher consumer. This is because consumers feel confident that the product meets halal standards. This way, the company’s image as an entity that cares about consumer needs will be achieved.

“Halal certificate can be a condition or standard expected for a certain food and beverage. Having a halal certificate is a form of obeying the regulations in Indonesia,” Mamat clarified.

In this case, LPPOM also contributed to encouraging government programs that certainly help every food and beverage businessperson obtain halal certification. This ensures certainty of the community’s availability of halal products and creates a sense of security and comfort for Muslim consumers in Indonesia or even the world.

For now, LPPOM continues to push the government’s efforts to realize the must-halal in any way, starting with educating businesspeople and developing several programs to make it easier for businesspeople to do the halal certification, including for free. LPPOMs also provide a platform for consumers, whether businesspeople or people, to check the products that have been halal-certified.

You can check the halal status of a product through this website: or the Halal MUI app, which you can download from the Google Playstore or the BPJPH website. Businesspeople who have a food product and are not yet registered for certification immediately register and choose LPPOM Halal Inspection Body (LPH) to do the halal checking to fulfill the government regulatory requirements. (ZUL)