
Have a Couple Of Critical Points, Cosmetics Products Must Be Halal Certified

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  • Have a Couple Of Critical Points, Cosmetics Products Must Be Halal Certified
Miliki Sejumlah Titik Kritis, Produk Kosmetik Wajib Sertifikasi Halal

The government has enforced the Constitution Number 33 Year 2014 about Halal Products Assurance (UU JPH). This obligation declares that products that have entered, circulated, and marketed in the Indonesian region must be halal certified, including import products from abroad and cosmetic products that entered the must-halal phase.

Halal Audit Quality Board of LPPOM, Dr. Ir. Mulyorini Rahayuningsih Hilwan, M.Si., conveys in a seminar with theme “Halal Success Strategy 2026 for Cosmetics Industry” that was held by LPPOM in the Indo Beauty Expo exhibition event that collaborated with PT Kristamedia Pratama (Krista Exhibitions) at Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) on 1st Agustus 2024.

Her side explained that, generally, there are two things that need to be noticed when we talk about critical points of halal in cosmetics. First, the raw materials need to be checked detailedly through the audit process to determine whether the products or the cosmetic raw materials contain Najis or non-halal materials. Second, from the laboratory testing side, are the products waterproof or not. 

“Cosmetics can be produced from various materials, such as plants, microbial products, animals, and humans. Plants become one of the most used products in cosmetics. Plants included in the positive list,” Mulyorini explained. 

However, plants undergo various processes to become cosmetic products. Those processes require other materials to be used as auxiliary materials that need to be confirmed free from Najis or any non-halal materials. 

The following materials that often used comes from animal resources. Collagen is an animal product that can come from a halal animal (cow or fish) or a haram animal (pigs). 

The placenta is no less important. According to the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), a placenta can be used only if it comes from a halal animal and is for external use. 

However, what needs special attention is that when a cow dies while pregnant, and then the placenta is taken, the law becomes haram. This is because the status of the animal is dead. Placentas from unclean animals, such as pigs, should also not be used. Including human placenta, it is also haram to use.

Fatty acid derivatives are often used as a fragrance. This material comes from plants and animals. Many fatty acid derivatives are not fatty acid forms anymore but have become a new composition of chemical compounds. 

“It is important for Muslims to pay attention to this matter. Don’t let any cosmetic uses to block our body parts and prevent water from passing through. So during the ablution/wudhu, water doesn’t touch the body parts and makes the ablution invalid,” Mulyorini explained. 

Because of this, water-proof testing has become a must in the halal certification process. LPPOM MUI Laboratory has been ISO 17025 accredited and performs various tests, one of which is water penetration testing for cosmetic products.

In this case, LPPOM is ready to help every cosmetics businessperson in the halal certification process, ensure the availability of halal products, and ensure the safety and comfort of Muslim consumers in Indonesia. One of these is the use of cosmetics products. 

A woman who also lectures in the Department of Agro-Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University, emphasized that the regulation of halal certification obligations is under the authority of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH). Meanwhile, the fatwa of halal certification decisions is under the Indonesian Council of Ulama Fatwa Commission (KF MUI) authority. 

Obviously, the fatwa decision regarding halal certification can be decided based on the results of audit reports done by the Halal Inspection Body (LPH), one of which is LPPOM. The results of the water penetration of cosmetics done by accredited laboratories also support the fatwa decision.  

Indo Beauty Expo is one of the 14th international exhibitions that focus on the beauty industry. This event is the largest exhibition that shows the newest products and technologies in cosmetics, skincare, perfume, and hair treatment products.

This exhibition also presents various devices and the newest packaging technology that is essential for the beauty industry. It officially opened on 31st July-02nd August 2024 at the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo). Visitors can explore the commerce products of beauty products from more than 12 countries, among others are New Zealand, UAE, China, South Korea, ⁠Philippines, ⁠Thailand, ⁠Malaysia, Singapore, ⁠Japan, India, Indonesia, and Taiwan.

This event was warmly welcomed by thousands of potential visitors, from businesspeople to professionals, who had pre-registered to be able to establish business connections with more than 170 companies from 12 countries. Of course, LPPOM was present at this event. Visitors can consult with LPPOM about the halal laboratory and halal certification in Hall C1 Booth No. C1D012.

For now, LPPOM continues to push the government’s efforts to realize the must-halal in any way, starting with educating businesspeople and developing several programs to make it easier for businesspeople to do the halal certification, including for free. LPPOMs also provide a platform for consumers, whether businesspeople or people, to check the products that have been halal-certified.

You can check the halal status of a product through this website: or the Halal MUI app, which you can download from the Google Playstore or the BPJPH website. LPPOM also opens up a space for every business person whose products have not done the halal certification. You can choose the LPPOM LPH to do the halal testing to fulfill government regulations. LPPOM also offers various testing lab services, including food safety and vegan claims. (ZUL)