
Halal Rest Area, Public Comfort Innovation

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Area Halal Rest, Inovasi untuk Kenyamanan Masyarakat

LPPOM Central Java collaborates with PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk to facilitate free halal certification for Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) of Fostered Partners. This time, halal certification facilitation was provided to 35 SMEs of Jasa Marga’s Fostered Partners at Kampoeng UMKM Rest Area Travoy KM 519A Solo-Ngawi Toll Road, Sragen which was held on June 13, 2024. This follows up on the success of the first halal certification for a rest area at Rest Area Km 88 (towards Jakarta) on the Cipularang Toll Road, which was carried out in collaboration with LPPOM DKI Jakarta, as well as the operational areas of PT Jasamarga Transjawa Tol and Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad Regional Division.

This halal certification technical guidance activity was also attended directly by the Director of LPPOM Central Java, Ahmad Rofiq, Corporate Social Responsibility Department Head of Jasa Marga Andina Rahmasari, Director of LPPOM DKI Jakarta Deden Edi Sutisna, and representatives of related SMEs.

In her speech, Andina Rahmasari said that this halal certification program is one of Jasa Marga’s efforts to develop the potential and increase the competitiveness of its fostered business actors.

“This halal certification program will be attempted for all Jasa Marga Group toll road rest areas. The implementation of halal certification, which is followed by 35 SMEs will go through several stages starting from technical guidance to the issuance of a halal certificate from the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH),” said Andina.

Jasa Marga is consistent in developing its Fostered Partner SMEs as one of its efforts to realize sustainable toll roads. This is also a form of implementation of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) carried out by the Company. This activity is expected to be able to increase benefits as well as empower the community around the toll roads managed by Jasa Marga.

Meanwhile, the Director of LPPOM Central Java, Ahmad Rofiq, the person in charge of halal certification at the Travoy Rest Area KM 519A Solo-Ngawi Toll Road, stated that providing halal certification is important as a commitment from business actors to optimally serve customers.

“The Halal Inspection Body (LPH) LPPOM is committed to supporting the halal ecosystem, especially the comfort of Muslims. This includes when going home for Eid through access to halal snacks. We are grateful for the commitment of business actors and the support of Jasa Marga so that halal certification takes place quickly, easily, and affordably. This is a commitment to continue to be an LPH that offers leading halal guarantee solutions,” explained Rofik. Currently, LPPOM continues to synergize with various parties to realize the halal obligations outlined by the government. Not only through education, LPPOM, as a halal certification partner, also has a number of programs to facilitate institutions in carrying out CSR community empowerment through free halal certification. This is supported by the spread of LPPOM representative offices in 34 provinces and abroad. In addition, business actors can also learn more about the halal certification process and flow by attending the halal certification introduction class (PSH) with LPPOM by registering at the link This one-stop service also provides various laboratory tests related to halal and food safety, such as pig DNA PCR tests, ethanol tests, nutritional value tests and food handler swabs. (ZUL)