The Criteria for Halal PRODUCT Assurance System
The criteria for halal certification issued by the government of the Republic of Indonesia under BPJPH serve as the standard for the Halal Product Assurance System (HPAS). Companies wishing to get their products certified as halal must meet all requirements. These are the 5 criteria covered in HPAS standards:
Halal policy is a written commitment to consistently produce halal products. The halal policy must be established and disseminated to stakeholders.
The halal management team is a group of individuals responsible for planning, implementing, evaluating, and improving the halal assurance system within the company. Top management must establish the halal management team with supporting written evidence. The responsibilities of the halal management team must be clearly outlined. Top management should provide the necessary resources to the halal management team.
Training is an activity aimed at enhancing knowledge, skills, and attitudes to achieve the desired level of competence. The company must have written procedures for conducting training. Training must be conducted by personnel who are competent in planning, implementing, evaluating, and improving the halal assurance system in accordance with halal certification requirements. Training should be conducted at least once a year. The results of internal training should be evaluated to ensure the competence of the participants. -
2MATERIALSThe materials include:
1. raw materials, such as the main material to produce a product
2. additives, material to improve the properties of the product
3. processing aids, materials used to assist production but do not become part of the product composition (ingredient)
4. packaging which directly contacts with products
5. lubricants/greases used for engines/equipment and it may directly contact with products
6. sanitizers and cleaning agents for cleaning of facilities/equipment that handling materials and products
7. media for cleaning validation of equipment that directly contact with the product
Materials can be categorized into two, non-critical materials and critical materials. Non-critical materials require no document to support the halalness. Critical materials must be supported with sufficient documents. -
Production facilities include buildings, rooms, main machinery, and equipment as well as auxiliary equipment used to produce products.
I. Foods, Medicines, or Cosmetics Manufacturer
a) All factories, both self-owned and leased from other parties, to produce products that are registered and marketed in Indonesia must be registered.
b) Halal production can be carried out in the halal dedicated facility or sharing facility. If halal production is carried out in a sharing facility, then all facilities that are in direct contact with ingredients or products must be pork / porcine-free.
c) Chiller/refrigerator and freezer used to store materials from body parts of slaughtered animals and their processed products must be halal dedicated
d) Facilities other than those mentioned in point c) above may be a sharing facility. If halal production is carried out at a sharing facility, then all facilities that are in direct contact with the ingredients or products must be free from pork and its derivatives.
e) For the sharing facility in point d) above, the company must ensure that the facility is cleaned prior to use for production of halal certified products
II. Restaurant / Catering / Kitchen
a) All kitchens, warehouses, and outlets used to produce products, whether owned or rented from other parties, must be registered.
b) The below facility must be a halal dedicated facility:
– The restaurant outlet.
– chiller/refrigerator and freezer in kitchens or in warehouses outside outlets used to store meat or their processed products
c) Facilities besides those mentioned in point b) above can be a sharing facility. If sharing facilities are used, all facilities that are directly contact with ingredients or products must be pork/porcine free.
III. Slaughterhouse/Abattoir
a) The slaughterhouse facility is only devoted to the production of halal animal meat (halal dedicated facility), not mixed with slaughter for non-halal animals ( halal dedicated facility).
b) The location of the slaughterhouse must be clearly separated from the pig slaughterhouse/pig farms, i.e. the slaughterhouse is not located within 1 site with the pig slaughterhouse, is not located side by side to the pig slaughterhouse, and is a minimum radius of 5 km from the pig farm, and there is no cross-contamination between halal slaughterhouses. and slaughterhouses/pig farms.
c) If the deboning process is carried out outside the slaughterhouse (for example the meat handling unit), then it must be ensured that the carcass only comes from the halal slaughterhouse.
d) The tool for slaughtering must meet the following requirements: (i) sharp; (ii) not derived from nails, teeth/fangs or bones; (iii) The size is adjusted to the neck of the animal to be cut; and (iv) not sharpened in front of the animal to be slaughtered. For mechanical slaughtering tools, it must meet the requirements of halal slaughter.
Critical activities are activities that can affect the halal status of the product. Generally, critical activities include:
1. use of new materials for products that have been certified,
2. product formulation and development,
3. incoming material check,
4. production,
5. washing production facilities,
6. storage of materials and products,
7. transportation of materials and products.
The scope of critical activities can vary according to the company’s business process. Written procedures can be in the form of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), work instructions or other forms of work guidelines. This written procedure can be combined with other system procedures implemented by the company.
The company must have a written procedure for handling products that do not meet the criteria which ensures the products that do not meet halal criteria are not reprocessed or downgraded and must be destroyed or not sold to consumers who need halal products. If the product has already been sold, the product must be recalled. -
Products that are registered can be retail or non-retail, final or intermediate products. Guidelines for product naming can be found here. The characteristics / sensory profile of the product must not have a tendency to smell or taste that leads to haram products. The product shape, packaging, and label must not contain erotic, vulgar or pornographic characteristics. Especially for retail products, if a product has a certain brand, all variants or other products with the same brand that are marketed in Indonesia must be registered.
The company must have a written procedure that ensures the traceability of a certified product can trace the product to originating from materials approved by LPPOM MUI and produced in a facility that meets the facility criteria. -
The company must have a written procedure for internal audit of HAS implementation. Internal audits must be conducted at least twice a year. If a weakness is found (the criteria are not met) in an internal audit, the company must identify the root cause and make improvements. Improvements must be made with a clear target date and must be able to resolve weaknesses and prevent their recurrence in the future.
The company must have a written management review procedure. Management review must be carried out at least once a year.
In addition to the audit based on HPAS criteria, LPPOM MUI will also consider adequacy of fulfillment of product safety aspect in accordance with the applicable regulations in Indonesia.