
Guaranteeing Quality, Fore Coffee Gets a Halal Certificate

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  • Guaranteeing Quality, Fore Coffee Gets a Halal Certificate
Jamin Kualitas, Fore Coffee Kantongi Sertifikat Halal  

All Fore Coffee outlets and products have received halal certificates. The halal product inspection is carried out through LPH LPPOM MUI. Coffee lovers can enjoy a cup of Fore Coffee safely and comfortably.

Coffee lovers should be happy again. The number of halal coffee shops has increased. This time, it comes from the famous coffee brand Fore Coffee, produced by PT Fore Kopi Indonesia. This company has succeeded in obtaining a halal certificate numbered LPPOM-00160233461223 for all its branches in Indonesia through inspection and/or testing of product halalness at the Halal Inspection Body (LPH) of the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI). The halal certificate was handed over directly by the Head of the BPJPH Halal Registration and Certification Center, Hj. Siti Aminah, M.Pd.I., to Fore CEO, Vico Lomar, accompanied by Halal Partnership and Audit Services Director of LPPOM MUI, Dr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si, on January 16, 2024 at Fore Head Office, Jakarta.

Fore Coffee focuses on the delicious taste of coffee and pays attention to the safety and halal aspects of its products and every raw material used from the start. Therefore, Fore Coffee has carried out BPJPH halal certification for all registered products to increase assurance of efforts to maintain this excellence.

This process involves the LPPOM MUI audit stage and strict supply chain inspection. In addition, the halal standards also cover the packaging and distribution stages of the product because the contents of the packaging will interact directly with the drinks that customers will consume.

Halal certification is a strategic step for Fore Coffee in ensuring that every product served meets high halal standards. This certificate proves that every production stage, from the selection of raw materials to serving, has met halal requirements. Consumers can confidently enjoy every serving of Fore Coffee without doubts about its halalness.

Halal Partnership and Audit Services Director of LPPOM MUI, Dr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si, said that the halal certificate successfully obtained was a form of the company’s compliance with applicable regulations. As is well known, the Halal Product Assurance Act (UU JPH) and its derivatives state that all products circulating in Indonesia must be halal certified, except for products that are indeed prohibited.

In addition, he also emphasized that in halal certification of a product, not only the final product is checked for halalness, but also the applicable system, namely the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH) of BPJPH, Ministry of Religion. The experience of implementing SJPH is capital for facing future challenges.

“The quality of SJPH implementation at PT Fore Kopi Indonesia is very good, excellent. I am sure that FORE Coffee will have more outlets, products, suppliers, and so on in the future. All of these things are critical in the context of maintaining the consistency of halal products. Everything has been done, there are sufficient procedures, and there is a qualified team, so this halal certificate has been obtained very well,” said Muslich.

With this achievement, LPPOM MUI, as the first LPH with an age of 35 years, is ready to help in the future, especially in the context of updating halal regulations and developing new products. That way, PT Fore Kopi Indonesia can always meet the latest regulations. According to Muslich, in the future, more challenges will be faced, starting from surveillance by LPH, then supervision by BPJPH, to comments from the public or netizens. All of them must be managed well.

Meanwhile, Head of the BPJPH Halal Registration and Certification Center, Hj. Siti Aminah, M.Pd.I., emphasized the importance of commitment and consistency in implementing SJPH. Although the halal certificate is now valid for life, her party still supervises the implementation of SJPH. She hopes that the halal certificate issued will be able to deliver Fore Coffee products to penetrate the global market.

“The validity period of the halal certificate is for life. This is as long as there are no changes to the production process, such as adding menus, developments, or new variants. If there are, these changes must be reported and submitted again as a new halal certification application. This is a form of convenience from the government for business actors,” explained Siti Aminah.

Winda Sardjono, QA Manager for Fore Coffee, emphasized that her party prioritizes product halalness and supports consumer needs and preferences. The commitment to always providing the best quality is realized by accepting every input from consumers. Feedback from consumers is considered a valuable lesson to continue to improve the services and products presented. In addition, Winda also expressed her belief in the benefits of the BPJPH halal certification that Fore Coffee already has.

“By taking steps to declare Fore Coffee as a Halal brand through Halal certification issued by BPJPH through MUI as LPH in the context of the 2024 Mandatory Halal Certification, I believe that consumer confidence in the products we serve will increase even more. Of course, this will also give them a sense of security because every process that is passed is guaranteed and reflected in the products that consumers consume,” explained Winda.

Fore Coffee does not stop at receiving halal certification but is committed to continuing to comply with halal standards consistently and continuously. To fulfil all these provisions, Fore Coffee is determined to ensure that the halalness of the product is a top priority in every aspect of its operations through the implementation of the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH), the use of raw materials that meet Halal standards, and implementing the Halal Product Process (PPH) as a whole. With these steps, Fore Coffee is a choice for coffee lovers and embodies the values ​​of trust and high quality. Halal certification is a strategic step that not only meets market needs but also strengthens Fore Coffee’s position as a pioneer in maintaining halal standards in the coffee industry in Indonesia. To check halal products, you can access the website or the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded from Playstore. (YN)