
Goes to Campus, LPPOM Educate ASEAN College Students About Halal

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Goes to Campus, LPPOM Edukasi Halal Mahasiswa IPB University dan ASEAN

The Government Conveys The Constitution Number 33 Year 2014 about Halal Products Assurance (UU JPH). This Obligation Mentions That Products That Have Entered, Circulated, And Been Marketed In The Indonesian Region Must be Halal Certified.

In this regulation, what is meant for products are goods or services related to foods, medicines, cosmetics, chemical products, biology, genetic engineering, and goods used and utilized by people. The nearest phasing period for food and beverages is by 17th October 2024. 

President Director of LPPOM, Ir. Muti Arintawati M.Si., explained in a seminar with the theme “Advanced Technology and Innovation in Halal Industry” held at Halal Science Center (HSC) IPB University in the International Halal Summer Course 2024 event on 20th Agustus 2024. 

Her side explained that, generally, the government has set two tracks for halal certification in Indonesia: self-declare and regular. Self-declare can only submitted by Micro and Small Business actors (UMK) that the products did not contain critical ingredients and were carried out free of charge. On the other hand, the second track, which is regular, is a company that is complex and has high critical points. 

“Another phase that has entered a transition period is cosmetics products, medicines, and use goods that enforce by the year 2026 until the longest year 2034. Meanwhile, the businesspeople who do not obey the regulation would get an administrative sanction through a written warning, an administrative fine, a halal certificate revocation, and/or withdrawal of the products from circulation. This thing was written in the Government Constitution Number 39, the Year 2021,” Muti explained. 

Materials and their sources that are claimed as halal can be proved through a supporting document, whether in the form of a halal certificate for animal materials and their derivatives or materials that have other critical points. Other documents, such as a material specification or a raw materials production flow process, are also needed, as long as the materials that have been used are not haram or contaminated by Najis. 

“The production medium must be free from Najis material and can not be used alternately to produce products containing pigs. Product name and label design also prohibited the use of names, images, or characters that are not under Islamic teachings,” said Muti. 

According to the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), products that fulfill the conditions of materials, products, and production facilities are considered halal products. However, systems need to be created to ensure the continuance of the halal obligation; that is why the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH) is designed to provide the halal obligation.  

Her side also emphasizes the advantages of having a halal certificate in the form of mitigation risk on non-compliance that can have a lousy impact on the company, producing more efficient production (increased resource utilization), maintaining the cleanness and treatment of slaughtered animals, following Islamic Syariah, and as the reputation enhancer that could build a consumers loyalty. 

 “The obligation of halal certificate regulation is under the responsibility of Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJH). In the meantime, the decision to halal certification fatwa is the responsibility of the Fatwa Commission Indonesian Council of Ulama (KF MUI). Certainly, the decision of halal certification can be decided based on the results of the audit report done by the Halal Inspection Body (LPH), one of them is The Assessment Institute of Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (LPPOM),” said Muti. 

This international event was attended by hundreds of participants, from students to lecturers and halal practitioners, both within the country and neighboring Southeast Asian countries. It was also held in a hybrid manner, both offline (on-site) and online. Participants also consulted with LPPOM regarding Indonesia’s process flow and halal certification scheme.

LPPOM always encourages the enhancement of halal awareness among the people, especially Indonesian Muslims. Therefore, since 1989, LPPOM has synergized with various parties to build halal awareness in every form of program, whether online or offline. 

For now, LPPOM keeps encouraging the government’s effort to realize halal awareness in every way, starting with educating businesspeople, students, and college students. LPPOM also provides a platform through the website that businesspeople or even people can easily access to check the products with a halal certificate and education around halal. (ZUL)