
Yogyakarta Halal Tourism

The tourism sector is one of the prime movers of the economy in Yogyakarta. Aside from being a student city, the city is also a major destination for foreign and domestic tourists. How did the Special Region of Yogyakarta prepare for the leading halal tourist city?

There are two things that are most prominent in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). First, the number of students and students from various regions in Indonesia who study in the city. Second, the exotica of the area is always tempting tourists, both cultural and natural tourism.

Based on the HalalMUI summary, these two reasons also make Jogja often visited by many people, both as tourists and as students. Data from the DIY Provincial Tourism Office notes, until the end of 2017, there were 4,7 million domestic tourists visiting Yogyakarta or often called Jogja.

While for foreign tourists the number reaches 397.000 people. The amount exceeded the 4,5 million target for domestic tourists and 387.000 foreign tourists. In terms of income, the contribution of domestic tourists reached Rp 7,2 trillion, while foreign tourists contributed around Rp 3,2 trillion.

Seeing that potential, the Sharia Economic Community (MES) also encouraged DIY to expand through the development of halal tourism. This step is to offset the current sharia economic development, which seems only concentrated through the development of Islamic financial institutions. In fact, Islamic economics can also be developed through the halal tourism sector.

Various Tourism Objects

So far, Jogja is already known as a major tourist destination in Indonesia. Culture and nature in Jogja are very attractive to tourists. So even the typical culinary variety in the area such as warm, bakpia, and other foods. The special sector of culture, nature and culinary is now being worked on by the DIY Provincial Government.

Based on the HalalMUI summary from, currently, there are at least 32 excellent natural tourist destinations in Jogja that are worth a visit. For example, The World Landmark Merapi Park. This is a contemporary selfie spot on kilometer 25 of Jalan Kaliurang, Pakembinagun Village, Sleman Regency. Here there are various miniature landmarks from around the world, including the Eiffel Tower.

There is also a Jogja Bay Waterpark. This is a water rides complex on an area of ??7,7 hectares that carries the concept of pirates. Besides various water rides, pirate-themed shows are also held here. Photographed on a pirate ship, things are often done by tourists here.

For those who like nature, in Jogja, there is The Nglinggo Garden, located in Samigaluh area, precisely in Nglinggo Hamlet, Pagerharjo Village, Kulon Progo. He said it used to be one of the headquarters of Prince Diponegoro, but now it has turned into a plantation and tourist place.

Or to the Breccia Cliff. As the name implies, in the Tebing Breksi area we can enjoy the beauty of a very photogenic carved cliff. The reliefs that decorate the cliff are indeed just made. But the breccia rock cliff itself has formed millions of years ago. Whereas those who like the beach can enjoy the beauty of three beaches at once, namely the beaches of Krakal, Baron and Kukup beach, which are in one row.

The Role of LPPOM MUI

Director of the Institute for Food Medicine Studies and Cosmetics Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) DIY Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Trijoko Wisnu Murti, DEA, said that as one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia, Jogja deserves to be developed as a halal tourist destination. “LPPOM MUI DIY, which handles halal certification for restaurants, food, beverages, and other supporting facilities has started a pioneering step since a few years ago,” Trijoko told HalalMUI.

There are several stages carried out by LPPOM MUI DIY regarding halal tourism in Jogja. First is debriefing and socialization of culinary entrepreneurs in Jogja about the importance of halal products. Second, the availability of lodging facilities or hotels with sharia concepts.

Especially for culinary, “The approach is more for the sake of their business interests, that by bagging halal certificates of MUI, the products they are taxing will be increasingly attractive to consumers,” he said. These efforts are continuously carried out, both in the form of seminars, training and other means of socialization and education. For example, the implementation of Halal Business Gathering was attended by 108 participants from entrepreneurs.

The next step is to map the business sector that needs halal certification, which is culinary that has become the flagship in Jogja. In this area, the most popular culinary is warm and bakpia. Therefore, the target of halal certification conducted by LPPOM MUI DIY is warm and bakpia products. Now, hundreds of warm-up and bakpia entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta have already obtained HalalMUI certificates.

Now, to enjoy halal cuisine in Jogja is indeed relatively easier. In addition to the available culinary centers and typical snacks, tourists in Jogja can also easily find warm or bakpia in several places in the city.

In the Wijilan area, for example, there are various vendors who are warm from a number of well-known traders in Jogja. There is Gudeg Yu Djum, Mrs. Slamet, Mrs. Rini and a series of names of famous sellers. As for the larger restaurant class, there is Gudeg Bu Tjitro, whose warm canned products have been exported to a number of countries. Everyone has pocketed the HalalMUI certificate.

As for snacks such as bakpia, tourists can find in several strategic places such as the airport, station, and souvenir center of Jogja. For example, throughout the Janti area, there are many bakpia sellers and the like, most of which are halal certified.

After carrying out education and halal certification in the culinary field, the next stage goes to the main supporting facilities, namely hospitality. As is known, the level of tourist visits to Jogja is relatively high. There are national tourists, there are also tourists from abroad.

They need a comfortable lodging. Both as a place of rest and in carrying out worship. “Lodging is a major component in the field of tourism. That is why continuous education and promotion is needed so that the hotel management adopts the concept of halal tourism,” said Trijoko.

Halal Certified Hotels

In tracing Halal Journals in Jogja some time ago, in this city, there have indeed been a number of hotels that call themselves sharia hotels. However, when HalalMUI explored more information, some hotel managers had not pocketed halal certificates from MUI, or sharia fatwas from the National Sharia Council (DSN).

As for hotels that have halal certificates, there are only two, namely Cakra Kusuma Hotel, on Kaliurang Km 5 and Grand Dafam Rohan Hotels, located near Adi Sucipto Airport.

Cakra Kusuma Hotel (3-stars) officially obtained the halal certificate from LPPOM MUI DIY on May 24, 2016. The halal certificate achieved by Cakra Kusuma Hotel is for food ingredients and process in 453 types of food available. Cakra Kusuma Hotel is interested in obtaining halal certification because halal is healthy and healthy. With this advantage, Muslim tourists do not need to worry about thinking about prayer, recitation and also do not need to worry because of all halal food.

The facilities are available at the hotel, including the Holy Qur’an in every corner of the room and Qibla direction, separate swimming pools for men and women, as well as complete facilities for worship, such as prayer rooms and equipment, to the place ablution.

The next hotel is Grand Dafam Rohan, a four-star hotel located on Jalan Janti-Gedong Kuning, Banguntapan, Bantul, right in front of the Jogja Expo Center. This hotel is interested in taking care of halal Halal MUI certificates to ensure that the hotel has fulfilled halal requirements.

Muhammad Rayhan Janitra, as the Supervisory Board of the Grand Dafam Hotel Roha Jogja Sharia explained that the management’s decision to enter the sharia hotel segment was based on the trend of tourists in Yogyakarta who wanted comfort. “Therefore, since a few months ago we continued to consult with LPPOM MUI DIY to administer the halal certificate of the MUI, and thank God on April 26, 2018, we won the halal certificate. We are the only 4-star hotel in Jogja that is halal certified,” Rayhan said.

The appearance of the Grand Dafam Hotel Rohan is indeed a little different from other hotels in general. In addition to looking magnificent and clean, because it is relatively new since the hotel has seen an Islamic element. In front of the hotel, there is a replica of the Jogja Kembali Monument, which is very much a relief. In the monument, there is a quote from the companions of the Prophet’s aphorisms, namely Abu Bakar Asyiddiq: “O Allah put the world in my hand, do not you put the world in my heart”.

Entering the lobby, the Islamic impression is increasingly prominent. In addition to greetings, visitors can see the mosque in the hotel lobby, which has a capacity of 50 worshipers. Every time you enter prayer time, the mosque reverberates adhan. This mosque can be used for guests and employees. In each room, there are also facilities for worship such as mukena, prayer mats, Quran and ablution rooms. There is also a call for guests to stay who want to perform Islamic prayer.

“With the concept of sharia, we are optimistic God willing, there will be more guests visiting this hotel, and Jogja can become one of the leading halal tourist destinations in Indonesia,” Rayhan said.

Although it is loaded with Islamic nuances, sharia-style hotels are also favored by guests who are not Muslims. One of them is a tourist from India who claimed to be Chand Khumar Sharma. He invited his family to stay at the Grand Dafam Rohan and claimed not to be disturbed by the chanting of Islamic songs or the sound of the call to prayer. “We actually enjoy the atmosphere and cleanliness of this hotel,” he said.

Widyarini, a halal tourism observer from the Faculty of Sharia UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta explained, sharia hotels are seen as providing comfort to guests, including those who are not Muslims because in the concept there are provisions that are also socially good norms.

For example, prohibiting different types of guests in one room, unless it can be proven husband and wife or siblings (Muhrim). Also available is a place for sports (swimming pool, fitness center) to be distinguished for men and women. Employees also use Muslim clothing that is polite and neat. (FMS)

Source: Halal Journal No. 133


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