
Four Reasons Medicines Need to Be Halal Certified

There are at least four reasons medicine needs to be certified halal. This was conveyed by the Director of Halal Audit Services of LPPOM MUI, Dr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si. in the webinar “Halal Medicine, Emergency Until When?” which was held some time ago.

First, Allah has ordered Muslims to consume medicines from halal ingredients. In the Hadith of the History of Abu Daud, Rasulullah saw. said, “Verily Allah has sent down the disease and also the cure. And Allah makes every disease has a cure. So seek treatment, but do not seek treatment with what is unclean.”

Second, the regulatory requirements for Law Number 33 the Year 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (JPH Law). Article 4 of the act states that products that enter, circulate, and trade in the territory of Indonesia must be certified halal. This is the exception for products that are prohibited.

Also, in Article 1 of the act, what is meant by-products are goods and/or services related to food, beverages, drugs, cosmetics, chemical products, biological products, genetically modified products, as well as consumer goods that are used, used. or used by the community.

Third, the acceptance coverage of halal claims. There are three ways businesses gain lawful claim on their products, namely the statement itself (self-declare), certified by a peer or associations, as well as through third-party certification.

“Of the three options, the halal claim that will be more accepted by other parties or the public is the third option. This is because the assessment and inspection are carried out by an independent third party,” said Muslich.

Fourth, the domain of decision-making to declare halal status cannot be done by all parties. According to Muslich, fatwa decisions must be based on sufficient religious grounds. Namely from scholars who have sufficient competence and requirements to make these decisions. By choosing an ulama or scholar, the acceptability and validity of the halalness of a product can be guaranteed. (YN)

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