LPPOM assists in facilitating halal certification for 744 micro and small enterprises (MSMEs) throughout Indonesia, especially in five Super Priority Destinations (DSP), namely Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Borobudur in Central Java, Mandalika in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Labuan Bajo in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), and Likupang in North Sulawesi. This activity is included in the 1445 H Syawal Festival “Accelerating the Local Community Economy through Halal Tourism” which is held throughout the months of Ramadan and Syawal 1445 H (March-May 2024). The peak event of the 1445 H Syawal Festival will take place on May 8 at Plataran Komodo, Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).
As a pre-event of the event, on March 5, 2024, LPPOM, in collaboration with the Bangli Regency Trade and Industry Office, Bali, facilitated halal certification for a number of MSMEs in Penglipuran Village, Bali. The selection of the target location for halal certification facilitation in tourist areas is expected to encourage the availability of more diverse choices. Thus, Indonesian tourism can accommodate requests from various types of tourists, including Muslim tourists. The President Director of LPPOM, Muti Arintawati, said that as many as 744 MSMEs had received regular halal certification facilities, of which 125 MSMEs were facilitated independently by LPPOM. Of the 125 MSMEs, 85 MSMEs come from 5 Super Priority Destinations (DSP). A total of 42 MSMEs in Labuan Bajo, 10 MSMEs in the Lake Toba area, 8 MSMEs in the Borobudur area, 6 MSMEs in the Likupang area, and 20 MSMEs in the Mandalika area. The other 40 are spread across various provinces in Indonesia. In this series, halal socialization and education were also held in the form of webinars and talk shows with 477 participants.
“The Syawal Festival is a form of commitment and effort by LPPOM in encouraging the government to achieve Indonesia’s ideals as the world’s halal center. This number is indeed very small compared to the target and number of MSEs spread across Indonesia. However, through the Syawal Festival, we are sure that LPPOM is able to become a catalyst for the growth of the halal industry in Indonesia,” said Muti Arintawati.
On this occasion, she expressed her gratitude to KNEKS, Dinaskertrans (Manpower, Transmigration, Cooperatives and SMEs) and the Health Office for the cooperation that has been well established to realize the Muslim-Friendly Culinary Area that is included in the KNEKS criteria in Kampung Ujung, Labuan Bajo. Of the total 42 MSEs that received facilitation in Labuan Bajo, 30 MSEs are in the Kampung Ujung area. This is an important milestone in advancing a Sharia-based economy and ensuring the halal, safe, and healthy products circulating in this region.
The existence of the Muslim-Friendly Culinary Area not only creates a conducive environment for sustainable economic growth. This event assures the community about the availability of halal, safe, and healthy products. Thus, Indonesian tourism can accommodate demand from various types of tourists, including Muslim tourists. This is also in line with the halal certification acceleration program for food and beverage products in 3,000 tourist villages in order to realize the Mandatory Halal October (WHO) 2024, which BPJPH is currently holding.
“Indonesia is implementing #WHO2024 as a legal basis for mandatory SH. Halal does not change local customs, but it is hoped that it can be enjoyed by everyone, including Muslims. Halal is important and for the first stage, October 17, 2024, all food, beverage products, and slaughtering services must have SH. We hope that the directors of LPPOM in the provinces will socialize it in their respective regions, because this halal certification is good for continuing to preserve existing tourism,” explained the Head of the BPJPH Halal Registration and Certification Center, Hj. Siti Aminah, M.Pd.I
Meanwhile, Drs. K.H. Amirsyah Tambunan, Secretary General of the MUI, emphasized that halal is universal to all groups and often becomes a lifestyle because halal food also means safe and healthy. “Halal food will be good for all and is expected to advance the economy of local communities in Indonesia,” he said. The peak event of the 1445 H Syawal Festival received attention from the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Drs. Teten Masduki. In addition, this event was also attended by Dr. H. Amirsyah Tambunan, M.Ag (Secretary General of the Indonesian Council of Ulama; Masruroh, S.Sos., MAB (Expert Staff to the Minister for Business Development, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy); Dr. Taufik Hidayat, M.Ec (Acting Executive Director of KNEKS); Regional Secretary of West Manggarai, Drs. Fransiskus Sales Sodo, along with the ranks of the regional government of West Manggarai Regency. (***)