
Eyebrow Embroidery For Face, Is It Okay?

By: Dr.K.H. Maulana Hasanuddin, M.A. (Deputy Chairman of the Central MUI Fatwa Commission); and Drs.H. Sholahudin Al-Aiyub, M.Si. (Chairman of the MUI Central)


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah

Many women do eyebrow embroidery to make it look more harmonious with the shape of their faces.In principle, eyebrow embroidery is to draw eyebrows to make them look thicker, so it’s like tattooing eyebrows. However, eyebrow embroidery uses natural or herbal materials, while tattoos use chemical inks. The tool used is a kind of Embroidery Machine or Embroidery Pen specifically for eyebrows that can form grooves in the eyebrows,

In practice, eyebrow embroidery works in a similar way but also differently to tattoos. If on the tattoo, the ink layer will seep deeply into the skin, then the eyebrow embroidery only reaches the surface of the skin so that the eyebrow hair can still grow back.

In addition, when tattooed the skin will hurt because the needle on the tattoo tool pierces the skin. The tool for eyebrow embroidery looks more like a pen and the needle is shaped like a comb designed to be less painful than if tattooed.

I had doubts about the practice. So we asked for an explanation of the law of eyebrow embroidery for such facial cosmetics. For the answers and explanations, I would like to thank you as much as possible. Wal-hamdulillahi robbil ‘alamin.


Dewi Sartika, Bandung


In fact, the law of whether or not to shave or scrape eyebrows (until it is exhausted), there is no scholarly decree. But there are scholars who argue, shaving eyebrows if without sharia-justified interests, then the deed is considered to be the same as changing God’s creation which is not justified in religious teachings. The interests allowed in sharia, for example, for treatment, for example, if there is a disease such as a tumor in the eyebrows, then to treat them, the eyebrows must be shaved off. Then it includes Lil-hajat, there is a need for treatment.

There is indeed a prohibition against changing God’s creation, except for the benefit of the welfare, which is indeed urgently needed. For example, a cleft lip, needs to be sutured-fixed, in order to speak with a clearer pronunciation. Damaged or toothless teeth are repaired/supplemented with dentures, in order to chew food well, and to be able to speak with good pronunciation.

But if there is no such need, but because it is just not satisfied with the appearance of the face, because the shape of the eyebrows is considered not as desired, then it can be said to be an act of lack of gratitude with the gift of Allah who is All-Knowing and All-Perfect His Grace. Pay attention to the meaning of the Quranic verse: “Verily We have created man in the best possible form.” (Q.S. At-Tiin, 95: 4).

According to scholars, the eyebrows belong to part of the hair. So in the rules of Ushul Fiqh, by Qiyash (analogy), the act of shaving the eyebrows and then making a new one, belongs to the category of prohibition of the Prophet saw. With this understanding, according to the scholars, shaving the eyebrows, if there is no sharia-justified interest, the law is forbidden.

Then if it is replaced by embroidering eyebrows, it obviously becomes illegitimate. Because in the process of making eyebrow embroidery, it is done by hurting yourself. That is by piercing the needle into the part of the body that the eyebrows will be made, then inserting ink. Even more so if the ink used contains unclean materials. The practice, of course, in addition to being very risky to the health of the body, also becomes illegitimate. God has forbade us to do deeds that would harm ourselves: “And you shall not throw yourself into perdition.” (Q.S. Al-Baqarah, 2:195).

In terms of psychology/ psychology, women who do eyebrow embroidery for decorative cosmetics, are very worried that it will damage their ruhiyah condition. Namely to be proud even ujub. Feeling even more great with that look of his. In religious teachings, it is clear that the ujub attitude that leads to pride is very forbidden.

Narrated from Abdullah bin Mas’ud, from the Prophet Saw, he said: “There will be no heaven of a man in whose heart there is pride as big as a mustard seed.” There was someone who asked, “What about a person who likes to wear good clothes and slippers?” He replied, “Surely God is beautiful and loves beauty. To be arrogant is to reject the truth and belittle others” (HR. Muslim).

So, if there is a feeling of being better, smart, dashing, rich and great than others and belittling others, then it is a form of arrogant behavior that is forbidden in Islam. Such is satan’s attitude of feeling better than Adam, so that he would not carry out God’s command: “God said: “What prevents you from kowtowing (to Adam) when I told you to?” Satan also replied “I am better than him: Thou created me from fire while he Thou created from the ground.”(Q.S. Al-A’raaf, 7:12).

The Prophet saw circumcised Al-Wasyimah (who tattooed) and Al-Mustausyimah (who asked others to tattoo his body). Narrated from Abu Hurairah and Ibn ‘Umar, he said that the Messenger of Allah said, “Allah circumcises women who connect hair, women who ask for their hair to be connected, as well as women who make tattoos and who ask for tattoos to be made.” (H.R. Bukhari and Muslims). The existence of anathema spoken directly by the Prophet saw on the tattoo shows that the tattoo is a great sin. According to Imam Adz-Dzahabi, a sign of great sin is a forbidden act (maksiat) followed by the threat of sanctions in the world and/or the threat in the afterlife with anathema or torture.

Alternatively, in practice in our society, there is decorative cosmetic makeup without performing eyebrow embroidery, and it is (relatively) acceptable. Such as makeup for the bride and groom by using hyenas, or a kind of ink from the leaves of the henna, which can be removed. for the ink is not permanent, and does not hinder the water when ablution. Wallahu a’lam bimurodih. (***)

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