
Discussing the Halal Critical Point of All You Can Eat Restaurant, Watch LPPOM MUI IG LIVE!

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  • Discussing the Halal Critical Point of All You Can Eat Restaurant, Watch LPPOM MUI IG LIVE!

Nowadays, there are so many all you can eat (AYCE) restaurants in Indonesia, of course with a variety of brands and price rates. Among these restaurants, banya claims the restaurant is no pork no lard to convince consumers that the restaurant is free from meat or lard.

Not to mention, some time ago, the all you can eat restaurant had become a lively conversation on social media because a famous restaurant uses khamr as one of its ingredients.

Is the claim sufficient to convince consumers in the restaurant’s halal guarantee? What are the tipping points of AYCE restaurants? What is wrong with using khamr as a cooking spice?

In connection with this, the Institute for the Study of Food, Medicines, and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) through IG Live @lppom_mui again held a Halal Talk on Sunday, March 13, 2021, at 09.00 WIB.

AYCE, Where is the Tipping Point? Dian Widayanti (Halal Food Influencer) and Dofactora Rocky M. Iskandar (Halal Audit Specialist) as the speaker and Yunita Nurrohmani (Corporate Communication Officer) as moderator will be present to thoroughly explore the critical point of the AYCE restaurant.

Watch IG Live at the following link:

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