In commemoration of World Food Safety Day, the Deputy Minister of Health appealed to all parties to always maintain health by paying attention to food that remains safe and healthy. Along with that, LPPOM reminded all business actors to carry out halal certification and consumers to continue to choose halal products.
The world simultaneously commemorates World Food Safety Day (HKPS) every June 7, which was initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) together with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). To celebrate this, the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Bogor City Government, held a HKPS commemoration on June 11, 2024 at Taman Ekspresi, Bogor.
On this occasion, the Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD-KEMD, emphasized the importance of keeping food safe and healthy to deal with the unexpected. Therefore, Dante appealed to all provincial and city/district Health Offices (Dinkes), health centres, and related technical implementation units (UPT) to improve guidance and supervision of food management facilities throughout their regions.
“Food problems in our country still require serious attention. At least more than 200 diseases are caused by contaminated food, ranging from mild symptoms to even death. In general, this can be prevented by implementing good, healthy and hygienic food management in all existing food centers,” explained the Deputy Minister of Health.
Likewise, to prevent non-communicable diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and heart disease, he appealed to all parties to always ensure that food is safe and healthy. This means that it is not dangerous and does not contain excessive sugar, salt, and others. In addition to having to meet nutritional standards, safe and healthy food must meet the principles of Food Hygiene and Sanitation (HSP).
Quoting from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Deputy Minister of Health mentioned five simple keys to food safety that are very easy to apply in food processing facilities (TPP) by traders, food handlers, and the community, especially mothers.
First, maintain cleanliness. Second, separate raw materials and food. Third, cook properly. Fourth, use safe water and food ingredients. Then the fifth or last, keep food at a safe temperature.
“If we hold these five keys, then the health of the food processing facility is guaranteed, so that we can keep the community healthy by enjoying delicious food,” he explained.
On another occasion, LPPOM Corporate Secretary, Raafqi Ranasasmita, M.Biomed, said that basically Islam has regulated the importance of consuming healthy and nutritious food. However, more than that, food must also be halal. Halalan thayyiban, which means that halal food always goes hand in hand with safe and healthy food.
“In examining the halalness of products, LPPOM also reviews the safety and hygiene aspects of the product by checking the implementation of the basic requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice. This is an advantage that makes LPPOM MUI the LPH of choice for the majority of business actors and government and private facilitation partners. By carrying out halal certification, he continued, business actors will get various benefits,” explained Raafqi.
First, halal certification is a sign of the company’s compliance with applicable regulations. As is well known, the government has implemented mandatory halal certification regulations for all products in circulation. This is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 6 of 2022.
Second, the entire production process becomes more systematic. By carrying out halal certification, the Company will be asked to form a halal management team that is fully responsible for the halalness and safety of the product. This includes the entire production process from upstream to downstream, such as storage of raw materials, bookkeeping, production schedules, and until the product reaches the hands of consumers. The existence of halal quality management like this will also help maintain food safety.
Third, halal certification provides added value to the product. Halal products inspected by LPH LPPOM are also checked for their food safety aspects. Today, people are increasingly critical, so many of them choose halal-certified products for consumption, even at a higher price. As one of the LPHs with various services, including laboratory tests, LPH LPPOM also offers laboratory tests for food safety such as microbiology tests, borax and formalin tests, heavy metal tests and various other test services.
Has your product been certified halal? Let’s find out more about the halal certification process and flow. You can take a halal certification introduction class (PSH) with LPPOM. Register your company immediately at the following link
To build awareness regarding halal aspects, LPPOM also continues to hold consumer education through various seminars, webinars, Instagram live, and open house programs to visit LPPOM that multiple groups can enjoy. As a smart consumer, you can also check halal products through the website and the Halal MUI application which can be downloaded on the Playstore. (YN)