Prof. Dr. H. Jaih Mubarok, S.E., M.Ag.
Professor of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Deputy Chairperson of DSN MUI
As believers, even all of humanity, we are all ordered by Allah to consume halal food. Various benefits of consuming halal products can be obtained, one of which is being able to keep ourselves away from crime.
Since childhood, a Muslim has been advised to read a prayer before eating. Not without purpose, this prayer has very broad implications in our lives. “Allahumma baarik lanaa fii maa rozaqtanaa wa qinaa ‘adzaaban naar, bismillah” (“O Allah, bless us in whatever (sustenance) You have given us, and protect us from the punishment/torture of hell”).
Food consumption is a basic need of living things, including humans, in general. In fulfilling this, Allah has made rules in such a way that Muslims always consume halal food.
“O humanity! Eat from what is lawful and good on the earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is truly your sworn enemy. He only incites you to commit evil and indecency, and to claim against Allah what you do not know.” (QS. Al-Baqarah, 2: 168-169).
For example, it is forbidden to consume pork and alcohol. Materials or substances that are harmful to people or the environment are also not allowed, this is dharar, “Laa dharar walaa dhiror”. For example, producing food products with hazardous materials and planting food crops, of course, is also not allowed by destroying forests.
A Muslim is also prohibited from causing damage on the face of the earth or facade, “Wala tufsiduu fil-ardh”. Pay attention to the strict prohibition in the Qur’an, which means:
When they are told, “Do not spread corruption in the land,” they reply, “We are only peace-makers!” Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive it. (QS. Al-Baqarah, 2:11-12).
In Substance and Process Must Be Halal
Not only must the product be halal, but the process of obtaining halal products must also be ensured to be in accordance with Sharia principles. For example, to build a business, capital is needed from a good and halal source. If it comes from a bank loan, then banking practices must be chosen that are in accordance with sharia principles, one of which is to avoid the practice of usury.
Pay attention to the meaning of the verse of the Qur’an that strictly prohibits the practice of usury:
“Those who consume interest will stand ‘on Judgment Day’ like those driven to madness by Satan’s touch. That is because they say, “Trade is no different than interest.” But Allah has permitted trading and forbidden interest. Whoever refrains—after having received a warning from their Lord—may keep their previous gains, and their case is left to Allah. As for those who persist, it is they who will be the residents of the Fire. They will be there forever.” (QS. Al-Baqarah, 2: 275).
Thus, it is clear. A believer who is committed and consistent in consuming and producing halal products accompanied by halal capital means that he has followed Allah’s command in the Qur’an. Certainly, this will create multiple goodness. This means that halal businesses can live and grow and produce goodness that multiplies. This is what is called a blessing.
At the same time, a halal life will also be able to prevent damage on earth. Even eliminating, reducing, even eliminating (opportunities to commit) sin, crime, or criminal acts.
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, through the Letter of the Cabinet Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia Number : Und.36/Seskab/DKK/05/2024 issued on May 14, appealed to Correctional Institutions (Lapas) to carry out halal certification for their kitchens. The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPPOM), as one of the Halal Inspection Body (LPH) in Indonesia, strongly supports this in order to provide a guarantee of the halalness of food and drinks for prisoners. This is a very good effort to eliminate criminal acts. Let’s try to consume halal, at least for ourselves and our immediate family. Compliance with the rules that Allah has given will certainly provide peace and comfort in living life. (USM/YN)