
The Fake News Clarification of Arirang Noodle and Mirabella Cosmetics

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

All Praises to Allah who always gives His Grace and Protection in every activity we do and hopefully all the goodness will remain us.

Responding to the spreading issue on social media regarding the results of study by Fredy Kurniawan, a lecturer at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS) who stated that for the products below positively contain pork, and as an update to Letter of Notification DN02/Dir/LPPOM MUI/II/18, we hereby inform you that:

1.     Based on the results of the audit/material tracing, no pork material was found, and the product is halal, thus MUI issued a halal certificate/halal stipulation with the following details:

a.     Instant noodle products with the Arirang brand from the producer PT Jakarana Tama, with the MUI Halal Certificate number 00090012840700 valid until 27 August 2021.

b.     Mirabella products from producer PT Martina Berto, with MUI Halal Decree number 00150061130312 valid until February 4, 2022.

Furthermore, to ensure that the products are MUI Halal certified, we invite the consumers and public to check these products either through the website or the “Halal MUI” application on smartphones based on Android and iOS. If consumers and the public have questions about MUI halal certified products, we are welcome to send questions to our Customer Care Team at the email address [email protected].

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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